Strangers Again (Austin Mahone Fanfic)

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Austin: Psst. Hey. Are you awake?

You: Hmm? Austin?


You: What are you doing here?

Austin: My mom brought me.

You: And why did your mom bring you here?

Austin: She wanted to talk to your mom.

You: And why did you wake me up?

Austin: I don't have an answer to that.

You: It's the last day of break and ruined my last chance to sleep in. Austin: Sorry.

You: I am too.

Austin: So what now?

You: Did you eat breakfast yet?

Austin: No.

You: Did your mom?

Austin: No

You:Great that means she's going to want to take us out for breakfast.

Austin: And that's bad how?

You: It means I'm stuck with you for the whole day.

Austin: Whole day?

You: Yeah first it's breakfast then she suggests we go somewhere after and it just keeps going and going.

Austin: At least you'll have me.

You: No offense Austin but I'd rather jump off a bridge.

Austin: Commiting death over hanging out with me. Wow that's something else.

You: I give my mom another 30 minutes before she calls me and tells me we're going out for breakfast. In the mean time I'm going to go get ready. You can stay here, but don't touch my stuff. The remote to my tv is under my bed.

Austin: Yes ma'm.

[As you go take a shower Austin gets down on the floor in attempts to get the remote. As he reached under your bed he had no luck until he felt something. He pulled out a photo album. He sat on your bed and began looking through all the pictures. It was photots of you and Austin as kids to photos up to the day of the summer that ending everything. He smiled as a wave of memories came rushing back to him as he continued looking through the pictures. Austin had finally reached the last photo and it was of you and Austin in California when both of you ran away. You guys looked so happy in that photo, but behind it had so much more meaning. It was happiness that could only be defined by love. Austin didn't notice for how long he had been looking at the photo album for until he hears the door open]

You: What the heck are you doing with that?

Austin: I uh...I couldn't find the remote.

You: So you took my photo album?

Austin: I...I...couldn't find the remote.

You: Give me that.

Austin: I'm sorry.

You: If I had a nickel for everytime you said that I would be rich.

Austin: Do you look through it?

You: I used to.

Austin: What happened to us?

You: That summer.

Austin: Remember when we ran away?

You: Can we please not talk about that.

Austin: What was your reason for leaving? I only left for because of you.

You: First of all, you left because you wanted to and second. I...

Austin: What is it?

You: Remember those nights where I sneak off when you were sleeping?

Austin: Yeah?

You: I tried to find my dad.

Austin: Why didn't you tell me?

You: Because I knew you would want to talk me out of it.

Austin: No I wouldn't.

You: Yes you would.

Austin: Ok you're right, but you know you can tell me anything.

You: Not that time.

Austin: Did you ever find him?

You: No. I thought why am I wasting my time on someone who didn't even want me in the first place.

Austin: It's his loss. He missed out on you becoming a beautiful, smart, funny, caring, young lady.

[You turned around and started crying. Austin walked up to you and began rubbing your back then he soon pulled you into a hug. You began crying into his chest]

You: Am I that unloveable that he left?

Austin: Don't say that. You have plenty of people who love you. Your friends love you, our moms love you, I love you.

[You pull away from Austin and wipe away your tears. Austin tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. He rubbed away the tears that kept falling from your eyes and made you look at him]

You: I can't do this.

Austin: Do what?

You: This, us. I'm vonerable right now and you come sweeping me in trying to save me and I'm supposed to come back to you like everything never happened.

Austin: Out of all people I thought you would know me better than that. I was just trying to be there for you. For you y/n. I didn't expect you to come back to me. What kind of person do you think I am?

You: I don't even recognize myself anymore.

Austin: Y/n.

You: Just go Austin.

Austin: Y/n I didn't mean it like that.

You: But you did and you're right. I don't even know who I am anymore. Everyday I look myself in the mirror and I don't even know who I'm looking at anymore.

Austin: Don't talk like that.

You: You should stop trying to get me back. The girl you once knew is gone.

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