Chap. 4

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Taehyung's pov

"Im here with the luggage." I said but no one respond. "Jennie-ssi, where are you?" I look at a bedroom where we were supposed to sleep but she is not inside. I went to the other rooms and there i found her, sleeping.

She must be tired and we should sleep in seperate rooms. She looks pretty too when she sleeps.. What? Taehyung-ah, what did you just say? I must be dreaming. Dont fall for her okay? Shes my senior.

I went to the room beside hers and i unpack my luggage. Gosh im so tired.. I lie down on my bed and i fell asleep.

Jennie's pov

*alarm rings* I heard my alarm rang and its 7am. I get up and stretched myself. Then i went to shower but i realised that my luggage is not with me. I look around my room but its not here. So i went downstair to level 1 to see if my luggage is there. But to my surprise, its not there. I went to the other room just to search my luggage and i finally found my luggage.

I wonder why my luggage is here. Must be taehyung who carried all the way up.

As i was about to take my luggage away, i heard the bathroom door open and i turned around.

Goshhh his abs is sooooo pretty... Wait stop it.. What am i even thinking?

"What are you doing here? Do you even respect people privacy?" He asked.

"I just wanted to take my luggage. And dont even speak like that because you're my junior." I walked away with my luggage and closed the door.

Dont even fall for him every minute and second.

I went inside my room and off to shower.

A few minutes later...

I wear a crop singlet top and a black skinny jeans. Then, i put on a little bit of makeup and head downstair to have breakfast. I was so shocked to see that there is already food on top of the dining table and saw taehyung waiting for me.

"Did you prepare all this?" I asked.

"Yup. Hurry up and eat. Ive been waiting for you." I didnt know he is that sweet. I sit down on a dining chair and eat my food. "Where did you get the ingredients without even buying the groceries yet?" I asked.

"It was already there when i open the refrigerator." He replied. I nodded and continue eating.

"Are you busy today?" I was surprised when he asked me that.

"Yeah. I have dance practice today. Then i have to eat dinner with the members today. Why do you suddenly ask?" I replied.

"I have nothing today. I'll eat dinner with you instead." I sit up straight upon hearing him saying that.

"Why are you being like this?" I asked out of curiousity.

"You said that im your junior and also, your husband." I cringed and got up.

"Im full. Thanks for the breakfast though. My manager should be here to pick me up now. Annyeong." I walked away and head outside my house. My prediction was right. My manager is right outside my new house and went inside the van. Then he drove off.

"Hows the married life like?" Gyeong Hoon asked.

"It sucks. I dont even like him." I replied.

"Well you both will get better one day. My wife and i got married because my parents were the one who wanted me and my wife to get married. We both dont like each other too last time but now, things changed. We have 2 child, a 5 years old girl and a 2 years old boy." He said.

"I really hope things changed." He continue driving towards yg building and arrived after 30 minutes.

"Call me if you want me to pick you up okay? I need to meet my wife at Busan." I nodded and wave at him. I went inside the yg building and head straight to the practice room.


"See you girls later for dinner! Hope that we do our best for mcountdown." I head out of the practice room and went to the first floor. Call me if you want me to pick you okay?

I forgot that i should call Gyeong Hoon to pick me up. I was about to call my manager when a car horn. "Get in. You're supposed to have dinner witj me tonight." Taehyung said.

I get in the car and stare at him. "Why didnt you text me earlier that you are pickin-" Before i finish my sentence, he already drove off. "Yah, i promised to my members that im eating dinner with them." He ignored me and continue driving. I turned around, facing the road and call Rose.

"Oh? Unnie? Why did you call?" Rose asked.

"Rose, i cant have dinner with you tonight. Remember what i said about him just now?"

"Ah he wants to have dinner with you? Go ahead. We all understand since you already have a husband. Enjoy ok?"

"You too." We both hang up after saying goodbye.

20 minutes later...

"Out of all place, you choose this subway restaurant?" I asked.

"Im craving for sandwich." He replied. I head inside the restaurant, followed by Taehyung. Luckily, not so many people is in the restaurant.

"I'll go order. Sit somewhere where no one will notice you." He said and i nodded. I went to the corner where no one usually go and sit down.

Taehyung's pov

I went to the cashier and ordered two classic ham sandwich. The cashier serve me the sandwich and i took the sandwiches. Then, im off to find Jennie. I spotted her at the corner of the restaurant. I noticed that she is sleeping while putting her head on the table.

This girl is really weird. Sleep everywhere huh?

Jennie's arranged marriage [BLΛƆKPIИK and BTS ff] Book IWhere stories live. Discover now