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   "So how are you just now communicating with us? Where were you? Why were you not with Happy? Who's your brother?" Toby had so many questions.
   "Aiden brought us. We lived with him in San Diego. And Newt is your son. Aiden said that you and some lady named Amy had him 10 years ago. Aiden also told me that Happy gave me to him and said not to tell me about her until my 15th birthday, and thats today. Amy gave Newt to Aiden right when he was born because he told her that he had me, and she wanted us to grow up together. I was 5 at the time so I remember that." Cara explained.
   "Who's Aiden?" Toby asked no one in particular.
   "He was the guy I knew that went to school with you. We were friends, and I knew I couldn't raise a child on my own so I gave her to him. I knew I could trust him, and I knew she would grow up in a good home. He was in the system with me. He was my only friend. I knew I could trust him." Happy explained.
   "Okay, so you are our kid that we had a long time ago and Newt is me and Amy's kid? But I never- ohhh. Never mind. I get it now." He said.
   "So Aiden just got a new job, we need somewhere to stay. And since you're our parents..." Cara trailed off.
Toby looked at Happy for approval, and she nodded.
   "You can stay here. But are you guys inrolled in school yet?" Toby asked.
   "No not yet. I'm a freshman and he's in 5th grade." Cara informed.
   "Okay we'll work on that tomorrow. Until then we'll get you guys settled in. There's a spare room down the hall next to the bathroom. I hope that's okay that you guys have to share a room." Toby said.
   "Yea thats totally fine. I'll go get our bags out of the car." Cara said.
Newt and Cara went to go get their bags.
Happy got up off the couch and went into their bedroom and closed the door.
Toby could, of course tell something was wrong. But he knew that he should give her a little space first. And in the meantime, he would help Cara and Newt get settled.
They came back inside each with a backpack. That's all they had. It kind of surprised Toby, but he didn't say anything.
   "This is the bathroom. You guys will only have to share it, because mine and Happy's bathroom is in our room. You guys are going to have to share a bed for now. Sorry, we weren't expecting company. I hope this is okay." Toby said.
   "Perfect. Thank you." Cara said.
   "No problem. I'll be back in a few minutes to make sure you guys are all set." He said, and then left the room.

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