Chapter 2: Sunset

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Set charged at his brothers and the scarabs and snakes attack the men protecting the pharaoh.
"You are corrupt and think lesser beings can be pharaoh, when I'm through with you brothers, there will be no more corruption." Set said maniacally as he clashed sickles with his brothers.
Men screamed agony in the background. The scarabs crawled under the skin of some the men while other were being bitten and poisoned by snake which were mostly cobra. The brothers didn't take there eyes off Set. Set laughed maniacally and then Anubis landed his sickle in the side of Set, but he didn't bleed he just had sand fall out of him.
"A mere doppelganger, brothers, you have been tricked.", said Set behind the brothers with a knife at Osiris's throat.
The two turned hastily to look in awe at there brother's deceit.
"Brother don't do this you know that killing our father isn't the answer." Anubis roared at his brother.
"Sadly, father is not the one dying first," said Set grinning and staring behind the two brothers.
Then a sickle goes from the back and through Anubis' s chest. Anubis trying to heal his mortal wound a second sickle goes through him which makes Anubis choke up.
"Noooooo," cried Horus, "Anubis!"
Anubis turns his head and says coughing up blood, "Remember me."
Horus had a look of distraught and rage and slash the doppelganger from the shoulder down. The doppleganger burster into sand and Anubis fell backwards still with the sickles in him. When he hit the ground the swords bursted into sand. Set smiled, his eyes were black and lifeless. Horus fell to his knees and his head hung over his brother's cold lifeless body.
"That is not the end of your sorrow," Set says with a crazy smile and abruptly slits Osiris's throat.
Horus lifts his head and stares in horror. His father lay on the ground, dead. Blood began to surround the bodies of his dead family members. The room silent and then Set smiled and started to cackle.
"Dead there both dead," said Horus in a low voice and then he yelled, "What are you going to do with me, kill me with a doppelganger or scarabs to crawl under my skin because you don't have the guts to fight your own battles."
"I was planning on killing you myself," said Set in an ominous tone, "you took my place for royalty, my pride, and made me seem like I was not special." "You out of all the people in this temple, is who I hate the most!", exclaimed Set drawing a sickle from his sheathe.
"Bring it on," said Horus confidently. Horus quickly stood up and Set ran as him. Horus did the same. They ran each other full force, yelling as they got closer and closer. They clashed sickles, Set went for a low blow but Horus jumped over it. Horus went in for a strong swing going for left shoulder, Set swung up knocking the sickle out of his hand and it flew over to the side. Set kicked Horus and Horus fell on his rear with Set's sickle in his face.
"This is not a sparring match brother and I am way more experienced," said Set with a big grin, "you know nothing of war!"
Sand then strapped Horus's ankles and wrists to the ground, having no way to escape.
"I want to see you suffer! I want to see you bleed!", exclaims Set maniacally.
Set the drives the tip of his sickle into Horus's right eye. Blood gushed out of the side of Horus's face while he screams in utter agony. Set cackles maniacally and disdainfully.
"Stop I will not let you hurt my child, you beast," Isis says using wind to blow Set off Horus.
"Mother your alive, I almost forgot about you," Set said with his grinning dimming a bit, "I guess I will have to kill you both."
Set summons three sand dopplegangers around Isis and they attacked all at once. Isis blows them away with a wind shield. They turned back into sand and Isis ran and got Horus. She had him and herself under a wind shield nothing get past. She then slowly made her way to the exit dragging Hours out of the way of danger.
"You think I would let you off that easy, huh," said Set in a snarky tone and covered them with sandstone.
The wind shield eroded the sandstone and they proceeded. Then Set made a huge sandstone trap which trapped them in a square sandstone box. The box exploded and Isis dragged Horus quicker than usual so she can get away.
"No you won't get away!", Set yelled hastily.
Isis then made a tornado that carried her and Horus away. Then Set summoned a Sphinx made of sand, it jumped up and almost caught Isis with its claws. It missed them but it clamped the tornado that held Isis and Horus up. They feel to the sandy ground. Set cackled maniacally for a moment, then he went to go check to see if he got them. He transformed into sandy being that hovered over the ruined temple. Then he turned back into his normal form.
"Now I've got you, you are mi-. . .," Set froze look at the corpses, his grinned faded and turned into a face of anger. "These are not the bodies, these are servants, Aaaagh," said Set with burning anger, "they got away and out witted me!"
"Where are they!"
"Where are they!"
He screamed with vicious anger and had tantrum disseminating the rest of the temple with sandstone spires.
"I will find them and when I do, then I will ruler of this land and have no more corruption will stain this land and nothing will stand in my way."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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