Episode 1: Part 2

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"So you want my camera huh? Said the Tall woman

"Yes I will pay any amount for it." Said M/n.

"Hmmm tell you what kid, we work for a company that prints out a certain magazine that is basically entertainment for women."

"What do you mean entertainment for women?" Said M/n who was confused.

"Keep your panties on Violet, First I gotta make sure of something." Said the wolf faunus.

"listen uhh..."

"Its M/n."

"Right, Before     we go any further with this I gotta make sure, are you at least 18 or over?" Said the wolf faunus.

"Uh I-I just turned 18 a month ago, why do you ask that?" Said M/n.

"Jeez talk about cutting it close." Muttered the wolf boy.

"Ok listen I ain't gonna beat around the bush, we work for DustLust Magazine."


"Its a magazine  filled with images of nude males for females to pleasure themselves to."


"omfg how clueless are you, ITS HAS PICTURES OF NAKED BOYS FOR WOMEN TO MASTURBATE TO!" he yelled.

"WHAT?!" Said M/n as he blushed a bright red.

"So Heres the deal" If you let us take a few pictures of you nude in certain poses, we will not only give you this camera but also 5000 Lien." Said Violet.

"Really 5000 Lien?" Said M/n

"Yes, so M/n... we have a deal?"

"I-I-I don't know." Said M/n as he hugged his shoulders.

He didn't want to reveal his body in front of people, but he really wanted to get that camera for his older sister, not to mention 5000 Lien... he and his sister could really use that money.

What about all the girls at Beacon academy I don't think be able to show my face in front of them."

"Don't worry about them Huntresses are more focused on butchering the fuck out of Grim, It will be like it never even happened." Said Violet

"....Ok... I'll do it." Said M/n

"Thats the spirit!" Said Violet. "Come on the building where we do all the photo shoots is just down the street Cobalt here will show you the way."

"You do know almost all the girls at beacon have a subscription to DustLust Magazine right?" Whispered Cobalt.

"Eyup." smirked Violet.


Cobalt takes before one final picture of M/n before looking up.

"Ok kid were finished."

M/n was sitting on his knees with his hands between his legs.

"Oh uh ok...um are they gonna be alright?" Said M/n pointing to all the female co-workers including Violet, who were on the ground passed out from nosebleeds from seeing his adorable fluffy bunny tail.

"Ehh they'll be fine." Said Cobalt as he walked up to M/n. "now as promised heres your 5000 Lien, and the camera."

"Oh thank you Mr Cobalt." Said M/n as he put on his underwear and took the money and camera. "....um."

"Your shirt and pants are over there." Said Cobalt pointing to them.

"Thank you" Said M/n as he ran over and got them on.

When M/n left the building Cobalt let out a sigh.

"I just wanted to take pictures of wildlife as a career, but instead...I get this."


"Cmon Yang I just want to see whats in those magazines." Whined Ruby.

"NO Ruby your gonna have to wait till your older and you matured more, Besides I hid them where no one will ever find them."



"Oh ok." Ruby pouted as she exited the dorm with her sister and Weiss."

The door slams behind them. after a brief moment of silence Blake peeked up from her book Ninjas of love, she quietly opened the door and look both ways to make sure the coast was clear. seeing that the hallways were empty she slammed the door shut again and locked it. she then looked at the bottom  drawer of yang's cabinet, that was were she used to keep her stash, Blake then opened the the next one up to reveal Yangs stash of DustLust magazines.

"Where no one will find them my ass." Smirked Blake. (Insert BellaBooty joke here.)

"God you suck at hiding things, now lets see what we have in the newest issue." Said Blake as she picked up the latest issue jumped on her bed and opened it.

"hmm nah, Fox faunus... boring, meh Humans are too plain for me, Dog faunus twins... maybe." She said as she folded the corner of the page with the twins.

"Well lets see who made boy of the month." She said as she turned the page.

What Blake saw made her cover nose as blood started coming out of it.

"NO. FUCKING. WAY." Blake said with a perverted smile.

What Blake saw was none other then M/n Scarletina naked.

"That is the fluffiest bunny tail I have ever seen." She said looking at a picture of him lying on his front revealing his rear and fluffy bunny tail.

Then Blake got an idea....a very....naughty....idea.

I wont say what is now... but I will say this... It involves blackmail.

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