Episode 1: Part 4

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Blake was running for her life across the halls as velvet was chasing her with Samantha's chain wrapped aluminum baseball bat. (The one that has a small chance of sending people flying.)

"L-Listen Velvet lets just talk abou-HYAAA!!!" Blake ducked avoiding a big swing that destroyed a vase behind her.

Blake quickly got on her feet and continued running.


Samantha watched the 2 pass by

"Ehh I'm sure she'll be fine." Said Samantha.

Ms. Hills! Where is my wallet?!" Said Glynda stomping toward the American Valkyrie.

"I spent all your cash on booze thanks btw, also what's note here it's folded and has a heart, I'm very interested.

Glyndas face immediately turned red with a look of terror in her eyes, she desperately tried to get it away from Samantha but due to Samantha being 6-7 feet tall she effortlessly held Glynda back as she begun to read it aloud.

"Dear Suko Kubara" she read while mocking Glynda's voice. "Words cannot describe how much I covet you. Your eyes shine brighter than the moonlight, you fur is softer than the most comforting pillow, your tail seduces me with the way it calmly sways back and fourth. Ohh how I wish to just tie you down and-"

Glynda finally managed to grab the note and tear it to pieces. Only for her to see Samantha sending The feline samurai a text on her scroll.

"Yeah I kinda already read it all earlier and took pictures so now where gonna see what Suko has to say bout your kinky love letter." Smirked Samantha.

Glynda then screamed as ran for Suko's classroom.


"And that is why shock spells can twist the mind." Said Suko. "Now forgive my class but I'm afraid I will have to assign homework today."

The class groaned.

"This khajiit understands your position, This one was once there himsel-"

Suko was cut off by Blake being knocked through the wall, she immediately got up and ran out the door on the other side, not a second later Velvet followed in but before she continued she dropped off some late work to Suko.

"Sorry I didn't turn it in sooner Mr Kubara." She smiled.

"Oh it is quite alright Ms Scarletina." Suko said as she took off after Blake again.

Suko then noticed his scroll beeped.

" Oh a message." Said Suko as he took his scroll out to see it.

before the khajiit had a chance to read it Glynda dashed in, snatched it, threw it on the ground and stomped on it.

"*Huff* *Huff* so how is your class going? she said after catching her breath.

"......quite ....well..." said Suko.

"Good, good."

after an awkward moment of silence she left.

"....well....were was I?"

back with Blake and Velvet....

"Listen Velvet w-were both faunus, you gotta understand its harder for us to control our lust." said Blake as she got cornered.

Velvet closed in for the kill. But before she could swing, Samantha grabbed the bat and shook her off it.

"Ok first off, don't touch my stuff again or i will make bunny stew out of you." Said Samantha. "Second off, whats this all about anyways?"


"Wow, that is a grade a bitch move." Said Samantha. "You never sleep with a friends brother, thats something you just don't do."

"M/n Get your cotton-tailed ass over here right now!" Samantha said to M/n hiding behind the corner.

"Yes Ms. Hills." he said as he walked over to them.

"Mind explaining why the hell you decided to let litter box her get in your pants?" She asked with that terrifying emotionless glare of hers.


Samantha took her 10mm and shot Blake in the crotch, the cat faunus screamed in pain as she grabbed her womanhood and fell to the ground.

"Don't worry I called the nurse, look at the bright side, you got 2 vaginas now" Said Samantha. "now where were we, oh right... M/n?"

"Uh nothing actually happened, Velvet bursted in before anything could be done." Said M/n."

"Thats good to know, but that didn't answer my question."

".... Blake was threatening to tell Velvet that I was on DustLust if I didn't let her haver her way.

"Thats what I was going to talk to you about M/n." Said Velvet.

"You knew?!"

"Why did you do that M/n?" she said. "Whats next you gonna become a bunny hooker?" Velvet began to tear up.

"No I did to get that camera you wanted... I-Im SWORRY!!!" M/n began to burst into tears as he hugged his sister who also bursted into tears.

Samantha just rolled her eyes and walked off as the 2 rabbits bawled.

after they finally finished crying Velvet was the first to speak.

"Don't ever do things behind my back again, ok baby brother?"

"Yes big sister."

" M/n? M/n L/n?" said a blue wolf faunus.

"Cobalt?!" Said m/n.

"Ah there you are bunny boy." Cobalt said running over to them." Listen you were a hit, and a I mean BIG HIT."

"why are your clothes torn?" Said M/n.

"Fun fact Bear faunus are very, very aggressive when aroused."

"anyways we want to offer you a contract as a model, give you 750 lien per issue and we will put your school as a reference."

"Well Im afraid he-" Velvet began.

"WOULD LOVE TO!" Said Ozpin who dashed in with dollar sign eyes, rapidly shaking Cobalts hand. "Just tell us when and were each month.

back over with Samantha...

"Well Ms. Hills Im afraid I managed to stop Suko from reading the text, not so smart now I assume." Smirked a confident Glynda.

"Actually I got a back up plan in case you mange to catch it in time, so I decided to send the note to another person." Said Samantha.

"WHAT?! WHO?!" Said Glynda.

"Someone who's gonna be very angry with you.

"...no... Not her...NOT HER ANYBODY BUT HER!!!


Sarah began to start repeatively whack Glynda with the handle of her threaded cane.


"OW! Ms. Gascoigne OW! Wait. OW!! OW! OW! I can explain!!!"

"This is gonna make a fine addition to Dustube." Smirked Samantha as she finished recording it with her scroll.


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