Welcome to the pack

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Dedication to CaityCaity for being my first fan.

'Hello my name is Carter and I am a werewolf one of this planets most deadly creature, for my pack I am a hunter but I do not hunt for food I hunt vampires the only other creature that is a threat to my species'.

I laid there in a meadow feeling the air rush through my brown hair it was amazingly relaxing compared to how days usually went, for me I got up at four-thirty each morning to make my runs around our packs camps to make sure no vampires were in the area. The reason I did such early morning runs is because the sun was still down and at that time most vampires were rushing to find a place to rest for the day away from the light that sought them out there was more to the fact that I was sent out it was because I am special. There are rare accounts when a werewolf can stretch its senses away from its body to areas around it allowing it to detect things that normal werewolves cannot

"so what would a wolf like you be doing all by its lonesome?" asked a voice interrupting my daydream I looked up to see a strange person covered in a black cloak. I arose covering my eyes from the sunlight

"who are you?" I demanded I could clearly tell from the smell that it was no one I knew

"me just a passer by but as for you there could be something for you were you're going" the voice replied with out even moving then the cloaked person was gone in just one blink the person had vanished from my eyes I whipped around but nothing. I slowly walked back to our camp were I could smell food already cooking it was an amazing thing to come back to food

"hey there better be some for me" I yelled to them as I stepped into the small camp as soon as I did the Alpha signalled me to follow him

"yo what is up Alpha" I asked with a smile, man that food smelled good. As soon as I began to drift of in the smell of food I felt a strike across my shoulder

"yea what do you want?" I asked clutching my arm the Alpha just laughed

"wanted to know if you caught sent of anything?" he asked in response to my question

"me no not a single vampire, but it is day time" I replied knowing he meant if any were hiding nearby then he nodded for me to go eat so I bolted. After eating two plates full of food I was stuffed I went to lay down when the Alpha called us in

"awwww can't it wait?" I asked but Alpha just growled so I moved in with the rest

"listen we have orders to go after a small group of vampires exact number we are unsure but less then five" as soon as Alpha finished the others started to move and pack everything up. I grabbed all my stuff and through it into my car and started to drive off to the coordinates that we were given to me by Alpha, shortly after i left i saw their cars lights reach the mirrors of my car. We drove through the old dirt roads trying to get to our destination quicker when all of a sudden a wave of blood reaches my nostrils and i could instantly tell that it belonged to a fellow wolf, i slammed on the brakes and stretched out my senses trying to find the injured wolf. By the time the others stopped i had the destination and went rushing through the bracken of the forest trying to get there as fast as possible because there was more then just the sent of a wolf there was also a sent of a vampire and it was still nearby. It took me a minute to finally get to the wolf and when i did i saw that she was bleeding from not only her throat but stomach too, i rushed over to the young girl and tore my shirt and wrapped it around her neck as to stop the bleeding slowly she opened her eyes they glowed blue with a grey shading around it. The others joined us a moment later the alpha moved the guys so that we would see the vampire coming if it returned

“were is he?” the young girl asked while struggling to look around

“don't worry he won't hurt you again I promise” i replied with a smile but then a frown covered her face, i was lost in what to say at that she was upset that the vampire wouldn't be back. The alpha had sent for one of the pack to get a first aid kit and now the guy was returning with it, he passed it to me the stepped away leaving me to clean and bandage her wounds once i finished with that i took a water bottle and soaked her hair trying to remove the blood only to find that her hair was actually blood red coloured.

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