Mission One: A day with the "oh so wonderful" Prince

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Mission One: A day with the "oh so wonderful" Prince

*ringgg *ringgg *ringgg *ringgg

Another day to spend my “oh so WONDERFUL LIFE”…….   Or not?

Well obviously as an average teen you don’t or maybe I don’t actually look forward in the morning calls of the ever “friendly” Alarm Clock. Though who cares? As long as it keeps me away from extreme scolding cause I’m late, then were cool.

I am Violet Loureen Anderson, just your typical 17 year old teenage witch….. Hah! Course not. I’m just a simple ordinary girl whose hair is as black as coal, a girl who has a mom and a dad, and unfortunately no siblings to share the happy and horrid times of the “circle of life” (or is it?).

Compared to others I find more advantages of being an only child than having, I don’t know 3, 4, 2, or even just a single siblings? I find my single, and worry free life fine.

My mom is a well-known and in demand Fashion Designer who obviously had a thing on making her “only daughter” look fabulous (translation: force her to wear things she didn’t want.)

My dad, well he is a director and they don’t usually stay at home as often as “normal” parents do, especially my dad. They work their asses off as if they’d lose millions if they don’t work for 0.00000000001 second.

“Vi? Are you awake, honey?” that’s my mom, yah she does check if I’m awake or if I suicide cause I can’t stand going to school. “Mom, uhhmm… yah I’m awake. I’m gonna be going down in 10 minutes”

So I quickly took a bath and changed into a pair of jeans, a tank top and my trusty sneakers and lastly I grabbed my “nerdy glasses”, it’s the finishing touches for my “nerdy look”. And voila… I’m ready to go, and just so you notice. I’m not girly at all, well once but not anymore.






“Morning sunshine! How was your sleep? Are you ready to go to school? Do you have everything you need? And oh, are you really gonna wear just that?” See even early in the morning, I’m already having a “pop quiz”.

“Morning, not so good, no not in any time now, yes you prepared it last night and yes mom. This is the most “fashionable” clothing I found in my closet.”

My mom always hated the idea that I no longer find being all so fashionable a hobby, but what can I do? We all grow up right?

“Oh dear! Seriously? Honey it’s the first day of class and I don’t think that a little effort in dressing up would hurt you.” Here she goes again with her “forcing but trying to sound concern tactic.”

“Mom, seriously just drop it kay’? Cause I’m super tired and sleepy so please, let me eat.”

On the table were the dish my mom cooked, it’s the “quick and easy” dishes. Like, bacon, omelet, hotdogs, fruit salad and the ever so present in the table….. MILK!

Yes my mom never stopped treating me like as a baby to the point that I drank milk when I wake up and when I sleep. But something is up, there are 3 plates in the table…

“Mom, dad is off to Bali to shoot a movie right? What’s up with the extra plates?” and just when mom did the talking a sudden loud mouth came “rampaging in”. Ugh! I remember a certain brunette boy that had the greenest eyes in the world that made girl fawn over him.

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