Mission Four: I think i just heard a time bomb.

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Mission Four: I think i just heard a time bomb.

The night ended quickly, somehow I felt like I had to run off when I heard Charlotta at the Meyer’s house. She was so different from how she is at school. I mean, no one would ever think that the ever so perfect achiever, could pull out such “bitchiness.”

I went home but my mom stayed, I actually find Charlline very kind and very like Charlotta “school mode”, you know when she acts sweet and… blah. I told Charlline that I had to go on ahead to finish some school works. I tried my best not to encounter Charlotta since A LOT of scenarios could happen if we cross paths.

My mom told me to spend the night at Damian’s house. I was fine with it since I realized that he probably would be sleeping this time around. So I tiptoed my way to the house and carefully went upstairs, but to my surprise a hand tapped my back.

“Violet Loureen Anderson, Where have you been? Do you know what time it is? You could call or message me if you were going somewhere today… did I do something to make you AVOID me all day?” I can see that Damian was angry and worried and I was scared, because an angry Damian Foxx isn’t a GOOD Damian Foxx.

“Ughh, well you see, I jus—“

“What did I do wrong? Oh! I’m so sorry I stole gummy bears in your jar?

“Huh?! You did wha-“

“Or is it because I made you print-out the information about her, but whatever I did I’m so sor-“

“WOULD YOU PLEASE LET ME TALK!! Sheesh seriously! Well, I went to my mom’s friend’s house, yes, I was aware of the time, sorry I didn’t call you and yes, you did something but I’m not mad about it. Except the fact that you stole gummy bears.” I answered his question like an obedient student and pouted at the last part, when I realized how much bears he stole from me.

“Really? You’re not mad? I thought maybe you got angry or annoyed at what I did this morning.”

“Huh?! Arrgghh, why would I get angry? Hello? You were just combing my hair and….. There is no reason for me to get annoyed okay?”

“O-of course! Haha, why did I even say that? Okay just go and sleep kay? I’m gonna go to my room now, see you tomorrow. Try not to wake up late. G’night!”

I felt so bad for Damian, I was about to go upstairs, when suddenly Damian went out of his room and went near me.

“Oh, and Vi? If you ever have those bad dreams just call me kay?” He shuffled my hair and kissed my forehead!


“Night Vi!” Damian went inside, leaving me speechless. Wha-what was that?  >////<

I went inside my room still stunned of what just happened. “No, Loureen. That was just a friendly ki-kiss that was nothing okay? Snap out of it!” Great! Now I’m being delusional and taking things like this seriously. Besides Damian always do things like that, ever since we were kids, but what I don’t understand is, why do I feel different now?

Oh no. This is bad.





As usual morning came quickly, it always does when you don’t want it to. Well at least Damian went to school earlier than I did, so no “awkward” moments for me. I went to school by the train, lately I don’t feel that “in to it” to the researching thing. I just have to take my time and see the beauty of the wor-

“Athenaaa! Hi. How’s life?” Chrina shouted at the top of her lungs but to be honest it was still quite low.

“Ughh, Chrina seriously?! It’s still early in the morning no need to be stressed. Oh and hi Aphrodite!” I greeted her. We call each other in different names. Today is goddess day.

“Just the normal but seriously... Don’t you think Athena don’t have bags under her eyes? Cause I’m pretty sure she doesn’t.”

“Nah… I just had a full on attention on the target, I was working my butt off last night. You have no idea how hard it was. I actually thought that Santa was gonna be the one to tell me to go to sleep but sadly he didn’t and you know I also had this wei-“

“Sheesh!! For crying out loud Vi, it’s still 7:30 in the morning and you’re blabbering non-sense. Can you please calm down?!” Julie might be my bestfriend but she hates me when I’m all tensed up.

“I get it. I’m sorry I’m acting like crap, but I badly need to sleep. One more hour of “trying to be jolly and awake” and I swear I’m gonna kill the one standing beside me and make him my bed.”

By this time, I’m desperate to sleep. I’ll do everything just to get that but what can I do? I still have to suffer 8 freakin’ hours of terror and learning things I’m pretty sure is not needed when they ask me “Why did you choose to work here?”

“You know what Vi? We’ll take you to the vet, I mean clinic. Go and act like Aurora, The Sleeping Beauty, there and we will jack down notes for you. Just effin calm down. Now let’s go before Chrina blows and tell you how annoyed she gets every time you smile ludicrously.”




I was left all alone here in the clinic. It has been 3 hours since I died of boredness here. No one to talk to, no one to laugh with, since I’m still pretty sane to actually talk to crickets early in the morning.

I was about to stand and just take my punishment for all the horrid thing I’ve done, when suddenly… 

“Whaat?! Dad there is no way I’m going to her party! After she ruined my mood last night? Do you honestly think I will?” said the voice outside the clinic. Even when I’m tired as hell, my sensors still tingles when I feel the “targets”

“What do you mean you’ll cut my access to my cards? You can’t do that Dad. I am still your daughter and by that you still have responsi-… What? Nooo!! Dad?! Helloo? Dad??!! Ughhh! Damn it!”

Was that a time bomb just now? Oh? All along I thought she was not materialistic, but I guess all of us have dark secrets. Why does she hate her sister so much? Charlline is not that bad she’s even very sweet.

Silence crept the room. I stood up only to find Charlotta sitting in the Nurse’s chair. I went near her and cleared my throat to make her notice me.

“Ehem? Charlotta what are you doing here? Are you feeling sick?” her eyes widen as I spoke.

“Loureen, hi! Uhhmm no, I was waiting for the Nurse. Yah I was waiting for her.”

“Oh, Okay… Hey I never knew you had a sister. Much more a twin sister? How come no one knew about it? I heard she’s amazing? Is it true?” this will do the trick. I’m not that sure if this will make her waver but there’s nothing wrong in trying?

“Ye-yes she is”

She gives me her fakest smile and from that point on I knew the things that made her BLOW.

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