Reacting To WYR Results (With The Whole MCSM Cast)

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ME: "Okay guys! Last "Would You Rather" was a blast!

PETRA: "No it wasn't."

ME: "What?"

PETRA: "Everyone wanted to kill me!"

ME: "How'd you know that?! You weren't supposed to know that."

PETRA: "Oh my God. Pretend you didn't hear that." *runs like Usain Bolt*

ME: "Okie."


ME: "Okay! We are back once again!" *snickers*

PETRA: *snickers*

ME: "Okay. Let's just start!"

*I pulled out my phone and looked through the comments.*

ME: "Okay! So, a lot of people, would rather be stuck in the White Pumpkin's mansion! I, forgot to mention that, the White Pumpkin is there so, prepare your traps! Uh.."


ME: "No! That was meant as a joke!"

White Pumpkin is already making new traps.

ELLEGAARD: "Lysa...."

ME: "Sorry. But, anyways, let's continue!"

*I Looked through the comments again.*

ME: "Oh my..."

JESS: "Why?"

ME: "It's a tie."

JESSE: "What?!"

ME: "Yeah.. So, PAMA, Witherstorm, I'm sorry for wasting your time."

PAMA: "This. Information. Does. Not. Not. Compute."

ME: "I'm sorry PAMA."


ME: "Witherstorm!"

WITHERSTORM: *stops growling*

ME: "Good."

*I looked through the comments again*

ME: "So, everyone wants Ellie to be their roommate! Well, there is one that wants Maggie to be their roomamte but, majority wins! Everyone hates you Maggie!"


MAGNUS: "Call me Maggie one more time, and you're all blowing up!" *Magnus does ze evil laugh as he prepares ze TNT launcher*

ME: "Geez Magnus, that was just a joke!"

MAGNUS: *Magnus is crazy so he activated the launcher*

ME: "Mag--"

*Whole place blows up*


ME: "I'm really sorry about that guys. Now, Magnus is locked up in an obsidian prison and has absolutely nothing in his inventory."

GABRIEL: "You think that'll hold him up, Lysa?"

ME: "Pssh, of course!"

IVOR: "I have my potion of slowness ready for him."

ME: "Good!"

PETRA: "So, can we continue now?"

ME: "Oh, right! So, the next one is, would they rather be stuck I'm the games or, sky city. And, five people wants to be stuck in...."

MAGNUS: *drum rolls*

ME: "Oh, wow! Umm, okay. Sky City!"

MEVIA: "I was planning on making the games harder!"

ME: "Sorry, Mevia!"

ISA: "Guess I'll, make the rules harder."

ME: "I don't think that's--"

Isa is already making new rules.

ME: "Umm.. Okay!"

LUKAS: "This isn't going well Lysa."

ME: "I know!"

JESS: "Can we just continue!"

ME: "Sorry..."

*tooks out phone again...*

ME: "Oh right umm.. So, this next one is.. Would they rather kill, Lukas or Petra and... The majority would.. Rather kill... *takes a deep breath* Petra."

AXEL: "Why?!"

ME: "I dunno."

PETRA: "Yeah. Everyone hates me."

ME: "Don't be like that!"

PETRA: "No. Everyone hates me."

ME: "Come on! If they'd kill Lukas, you'll probably kill 'em. That's why, they chose you."

PETRA: "Fair enough. But I'll still kill them after they kill me."

ME: "So... You're okay now?"

PETRA: "Yeah, yeah."

ME: "Okie then." *I looked through the comments* "The next one is would they rather have wither sickness or amnesia and, the majority, would like to forget reality."

JESS: "Fair enough."

ME: "Yep. The next one is would they rather be in OOTS or, OB and.. A lot said OOTS so, you have new members now OOTS!"

OOTS: "Woohoo!"

ME: "Aaaaand the last one is.. Oh, they'd rather be pushed by the Blazerods! Isn't that great? Wa-- where'd they go?"

OLIVIA: "Pushing those people around."

ME: "Crap. But anyways, that is all for today guys!"

PETRA: "If you want more of would you rather, please put some suggestions in the comments section."

LUKAS: "And you might be featured on that chapter!"

ALL: "We hope you enjoyed this chapter! Toodlydoo!" 😜

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