Would You Rather (MCSM)

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I'm pretty sure y'all ready know how this game works so, let's start.

But, if you really don't, then here's how it works.

You'll have to choose one, only one out of the two choices of what would you rather have/will be/where and something like that.

So, I hope that helped. Let's start!

Would You Rather
Be stuck in the Grinder (and be with lots of mobs.)
Be stuck in the White Pumpkin's mansion.
(And have no way out)

Would You Rather
Live in a world were the Witherstorm is alive
Live in a world were all of the citizens were chipped by PAMA.

Would You Rather
Have Magnus as a roommate
Have Ellegaard as a roommate.
(Both makes very loud noises at night.)

Would You Rather
Be stuck in the games your whole life
Be stuck in Sky City were everything you do needs to be asked to the Founder first.

Would You Rather
Kill Lukas
Kill Petra

Would You Rather
Have wither sickness
Have amnesia

Would You Rather
Be in the Order of the Stone
Be in the Old Builders

Would You Rather
Be pushed by the Blaze Rods
Be pushed by the Old Builders


That's all!! Remember to put your answers!!


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