A Race

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So, this Sunday, me and my sister went outside to go at the park but, the easiest way is blocked and the alternate route is, pretty far.

Anyways, we argued about, which way is the faster route so, we head on our seperare ways.

While I was walking, I immediately thought of a reference that I'll say to her when I got there.

I was like:

"If I'm first, I'll say, 'What took you so long? Got stuck in some soul sand?' But if not, 'Okay, okay! You won that one Jesse!' Okay!"

And so, I did! I got there first and, I said:

"What took you so long? Got stuck in some soul sand?"

And, she get it! Which is awesome. XD

So that's all today guys! Sorry for not updating in a while. XD


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