Woah...who's that??

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Cato's POV.....

I hear a purring of a car roar past as i stand with my friends. I snap my neck around to check out the car, and there is a super hot brunette driving it.

I watch her as she turns and parks the car perfectly. Woah. But there is someone else in the cat with her. Oh God, it's Hawthorne.

^^^^^5-10 min later.

I turn around every pnce and a while to get a glance at if they have moved or not. But they haven't. What the hell are those two doing in there.

"CATO?" clove screams in my ear.

"Oh huh, yeah sorry, what donyou want? i ask startled.

"I just wanted to see what class you had first today. Or am i not allowed to ask?" she replies all grumpily now.

"Yeah, sorry you are. And i have Maths." Clove likes me a lot, and has been trying to flirt with me for a while an its kinda anoying me.

I turn back around to see that beautiful girl from before, but she is walking with Gale. And they both have their arms around each others waists.

I sigh angrily an also out of jealousness. I guess my friends hear me and turn to also have a look at what i was or who i was starting at.

"Who's that chick Swords? You new girlfriend? She's HOT! I would tap that ass...." says Marvel getting all excited.

"Yeah. She is pretty Hot Swords! Where did you pick her up from?" asks Thresh.

"She's not my gf guys i dont even know her!" i explain turning around looking back at my friends.

Clove lets out a sign of relief.

"Yeah, well it's not like any of you guys to be able to get her i your pants. Ill be the guy for that. So you better stop drueling and start dreaming, 'coz its never gonna happen," Finnick says emphasizing never. I turn back around to look at her again, but see that Gale's got it ALL under controll.

"Well you better dream too Fin, because she's all Gale's" i reply.

Finnick's jaw drops open, and his smirk is gone when he see's Gale carying the girl.

Finnick mumbles something under his breath that no one else can hear, whilst he kicks around small rocks on the ground angrily.

(^^^fast forward.....they have introduced Katniss tonthe group
from last chapter. And it's now when after they run into Peeta and Delly, they are now walking to their lockers)
Finnick's POV

I look over at Katniss and see that she's looking depressed. Her smile has dropped and tears are coming to her eyes. She's almost about the same hight as me with those beautiful Golden heels on.

I stop her from walking and place my hands on her shoulders. She looks down avoiding my gaze. I move my hand under her chins so she is forced to look at me now.

"Hey, please dont cry. It's ok. He didnt mean anything he said back there. I promise! No one would ever mean anything like that, not to you. Your perfect," i say trying to sound inocent.

This brings a slight smile to her face. But then it drops when she see's Delly and Peeta walk out of the Office. Delly kisses Peeta, and he gives the finger to us. A few tears escape her beautiful grey eyes.

"No, please dont cry," i plead.
"Don't! Or else you'll make me cry," i say whiping the tears away from Katniss' face.

"Come on Kat. Lets go to class and just forget about those douch bags, ok?" Cato asks.

"Sure, fine. Whatever lets just go," she says almost as softly as a whisper.

She wipes her face of tears and i slip my hand into hers. At first she's a bit reluctent, by them she holds it and squezes it tightly. This girl has a grip.

We reach her locker and she opens it. Cato gives her back her books, and she places them in her locker. She keeps her Maths out though.

When she closes her locker she jumps a bit as she turns her head and see's that i am right next to her.

"So kitty, you alright now?" i ask generally concerned.

"Yeah i am fine thanks to you and Cato," she says.

She reaches up quickly and kisses my check lightly. She also does the smae to Cato. I feel my face go red and hot. I look over at Cato and his face is also blood ahot red.

This girl is driving me mad!

"Sooooo. What's up with you and Gale huh?" i asks curiously.

"What do you mean?" she replies confused.

"Well you and him. Holding hands, him catching you, openig the door for you, him carring you," explains Cato.

"Oh, well he only carried me because it was hisfault he opened the door and i fell out so he caried me,"


"Yeah, come on we have to go to class" she says giggling pulling mine and Cato's arms.

^^^^^^^^ still finnick

Cato and i arrive at the class burtsing through giggling. we bet Katniss.
"OH MY! BOY'S MANNERS!' screams Miss Trinket. She has a high standerd for them. We choose our seats and Cato sits on his own, i sit with a spart next to me.

A few seconds after Katniss comes burtsing through the door too, huffig and puffing.

"Well, well, well. Here she is. CLASS," she claps her hands together and she screches again. Katniss covers her ears.

" We have a new student, Miss Everdeen, Katniss Everdeen. Please make her feel welcome, which i am sure you can all do. Please take a seat anywhere." she introduces her.

Every body claps and Katniss takes a small bow. People wolf whistle and she blushes.

I look over and there is no more seats anywhere except for next to me. Yes i secretly scream to myself. She takes a seat next to me.

"Hey Kitty," i purr serdutively.

"Hey Finny," ahe whispers back.

"Not funny" i reply.

"yeah it was" she giggles.

If it makes her happy then she can call me that. Ill do anything to make her smile.

Well that is another Chapter done! And i know it's not very long and all but i promise ill try to make them bigger.

Guess what guys??

It's Christmas Eve and i decided that i may not get time to write a story tom scine its Christmas and all. But ill try. Thankyou for reading, and my huge plan still isnt over please keep reading and find out:) love you so much. Comment and Vote.... only 24 minutes till Christmas hehehe.....
Jazlyn xxx<3

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