You'll be a great mother

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Peeta's POV

I am waiting in Finnick's room for Katniss and the doctor to come back. In the meantime i am sitting in the chair next to Finnick's bed.

I am staring, watching Finnick, trying to figure out what is so good about this boy. Why does Katniss love him so much.

Well i guess he does have a cute hot face that a girl would be interested in, (just saying, I'm not gay) a tall, tan, fit, muscular body, he has nice sandy, wavy, beachy hair that curls and sits perfectly on his head. And also, not to mention his beautiful sea green eyes.

He's perfect!
And i am not!

No wonder Katniss loves him. He is so perfect, and i and not. He is like a God! I am a baker, i mean i love it, but no girls come swarming after me.

I am lost in thought when i hear a girl standing out the front of Finnick's door. I look up and see Katniss standing there. She is panting like she has just run a 10km track.

Her hair is a mess, and her eyes are looking up at me widly and they are all red and puffy, probably from crying.

From where i am, which is about 2-3m away, i can see she is shaking. I look behind her and the doctor isn't there. Where is he?

I also see that Katniss hasn't got her drip in her arm, nor does she have her pole that holds it in. Where is that?

I see Katniss' knees shaking and know that she is about to fall. I jump up from out of my seat and run over to her. I catch her just as she is about to fall to the ground. I mean, it was the least i could do, since it's my fault she was almost chocked to death.

"what's wrong?" i ask worriedly about why she is in this bad state.

"Pe...Peeta?" she asks confused. YES! She said my name not Finnick's. I smile.

"Yes Katniss, it's me, Peeta. I'm here. What's wrong Katniss?"

"Pe...Peeta?" she asks again, but this time she says it louder.

"YES! KATNISS, I'M HERE, KATNISS! WHAT'S WRONG? TELL ME PLEASE!" i say louder too, now worried.

"PEETA!" she screams. "I'M PREGNANT....!"

Katniss' POV

"Your pregnant," he whispers to me.

"What?" I reply not sure if i heard him right.

"Katniss, you are pregnant," he repeats again.

"No! I can't be!" i reply pulling my hand away from the doctors hands.

"Katniss. When you were unconsious, we had to run some tests on you, to make sure you were fine and no further injuries or any life damaging injuries were done. We ran about three test, and the all proved positive to you being pregnant," he says. God he explains things so well.

I was walking back from having dinner at the best restraunt, Capitol's devine. It was beautiful.

I had stuffed myself full with creamy pasta, and different types of desserts that were so rich. It was sooo good,

I stopped at a huge rock to take a look at the ocean. It was gorgous. The waves crashes harshly against the soft glowing sand, and my dress blew softly in the breeze.

I was lost in the moment, as i had only ever once saw the beach before, when i saw two men walking in my direction. They had a little boy with them and an older one too.

The little one looked about 2 maybe 3 years old, and the other one looked about my age, probably 15 or 16.

They kept on walking towards me and i didnt think much of it, until they stopped walking. They little boy had fallen over and didn't want to get back up. He was crying.

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