Chapter 15

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Finnick's POV.....

"Ughhhh....." i grumble with pain. My stomach has been churning and my heads has been thumping from all the medication and drugs i have been on for the last week or so. I need excitement, something to happen. I have done nothing.

I am not quiet sure if the doctors have been to check up on me lately. I havent been seeing them, that's depending on if i am awake when they come in, my jug of water is empty, and my morphine drip is almost out. Sesh, maybe they think i am dead. Ha nahh.

I wonder where Katniss is. I am starting to get really worried! I havent seen her, and dont know if she is ok?! i heard her screaming at Peeta a few days ago about how she was pregnant. What the hell is Peeta doing around Katniss? is all i can think. Even a few seconds of hearing her frightened voice gets me worried, i really need to go see her, now!

I am about to get out of my bed and venture out into the hall, when i hear i small clicks of high heals on the cold sealed floor. They stop at the foot of my door, and knock quickly before entering.

I jump back into bed, and shut my eyes tight. I catch a quick glimpse of the woman. She has blonde straight hair that is placed neatly into a pony tail. She is wearing a nurses uniform and has a small fraile frame. She is also carrying, what my guess is a clip board with my records of some sort on them.

I peak my eyes open the tiniest to see her staring at the board, quickly flicking through the white paper.

I close my eyes again as a tall brief man walks into the room. he stands by the lady and they whisper to each other.

"Miss Everdeen...." he says strongly. "Can you please go check up on Katniss, thankyou?" he asks politely.

"Room?" she asks nodding.

"48B" he replies.

I peak at the two again. This time she is still flicking through the board, but he is looking at the board to.

"Oh, thats ok," he says as she shows him the board.

"Someone else has already taken care of that.....may you please re-fill on Mr. O'dair's morphine drip?" he asks pointing to my drip.

"Sure thing, i'll be back in a few with it..." she replies, her heels clicking again as she leaves the room.

"Thats alright, ill be out of here, must go keep an eye on the other patients, bye," he replies yelling to her.

And with that, they both leave.

'Katniss?' i ask myself. 'what the hell is she doing in a hospital room?'

I swear to God, if Peeta hurt her, or even touched her, i will kill him!

Wait a minutminutes he said what room Katniss was in. Wasn't it like..48B?

Yeah. Yeah that was it....

I decided i am going to wait until the nurse comes back with the morphine and once she leaves, i will go see Katniss.

But she doesn't come.

I watch the clock on the wall and 10min have passed.... and she still hasn't come yet.

I can't wait any longer. I am going now, weather or not i have morphine.

I slip out of the covers on my bed and throw them to the side. I dangle my feet and legs over the edge of the bed.

It's been a while since i have touched ground, so it feels weird on my feet. Also, my balance is unsteady, so as i try to stand i wobble, but balance myself soon enough on the bed rail.

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