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When I finished lunch with Lexi, I headed to my English class, hoping to find my cousin in there.

I was so happy right then that I could scream and shout it to the rooftops that I was overjoyed.

I ended up sprinting all the way to her room, but she wasn't there. 

Instead, my most feared was. 

He was smirking at me with sly eyes.

I screamed and ran out, bumping into Zack.

He looked worried. "Iris what happened?" he asked, concern filling his face when he saw I was mildly hyperventilating.

"Z-z-zack i-it's S-s-s-scott!" I stuttered, breathing heavily, shaking from the tears falling down my face.

His look became mildly scared when he pulled me into a hug, he stroked my hair as I hugged him. 

"Where was he?" Zack asked me, still soothing me.

"I-in the en-english class!" I pointed shakily to the door. 

Zack pulled away and walked slowly towards the english class door. 

I was shaking behind him with fear. "Zack no! He'll hurt us again!" I tugged on Zack's jacket, trying to pull him away. 

When Zack opened the door I held my breath and hid behind him. 

"What are you talking about?" he turned towards me, "It's completely deserted, Iris."

I peeked from behind him to see that it was empty, but I was still shaking from fear.

"N-no. He was sitting on a desk, looking straight at me and smirking!" I pointed to the desk he was sitting on.

Zack frowned. "Maybe it was a hallucination?" 

"But it looked so real!" I shuddered when I pictured the scene again.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you, okay?" he said when we walked out. He pulled me in for another hug which I appreciated.

"Okay." I said, attempting to wipe the tears off. I brought a hand to my face, but Zack stopped it from getting it any further so he could wipe them instead.

I was still shaking while he dried the tears, but five minutes before the bell rang I almost looked normal, except my mascara was running down my face.

"Let's go to our lockers, okay?" Zack was still hugging me as we walked to our lockers. 

He opened his locker and I stared at the mirror infront of me.

I looked horrible.

"I just don't want to be kidnapped again." I whispered while looking in the mirror. A few tears fell down my face, threatening to go faster.

Zack hugged me again when he attempted to wipe the mascara off my face with his thumb. 

"I won't let you get kidnapped. I said I'll protect you, I mean it. I caused you enough problems already." Zack sighed, still trying to get rid of the tears and mascara. 

After a few more seconds of him attempting to clean my eyes, I finally gave in and gave him a napkin. "There, use this. We'll be stuck here until christmas if you don't hurry up." I joked.

In a few seconds my face was clean and no longer red. My eyes were red, but not very noticeable.

We were still hugging each other when people came in the halls, some giving surprised looks, some jealous and others just ignored it. 

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