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"Dad? Dad are you here?" I called out, slamming my keys down onto the wooden table just beside the front door.

A faint scent of aftershave wafted up my nose, giving me the impression that he had gone out. I wasn't sure where though. It may had been a date or he just went out to the pub with his mates, either way I needed him home right now.

I stopped once I had noticed a folded piece of paper on the table with my name hastily written on the top of it. Not to mention the hand-writing seemed very familiar.

Grabbing the piece of paper, I rapidly unfolded it. I glanced at the writing and shook my head. He had done it again.

"Not again," I whispered in a tone I could barely hear myself. "No please, just not again."

My mum always thought it wasn't a  good idea to retaliate. My dad though he loved retaliation. He loved the thrill of fighting and being...violent. It was fun for him.

Anyway I couldn't stop my dad from starting fights and drinking. Having an actual serious conversation with him, was exactly like speaking to a brick wall. They just said nothing and annoyingly stood in others' ways. I still loved him though.

After everything that we had been through together, I still loved my dad. The man who always brought trouble into our lives, killing the most precious thing that we had.

I read it again. Just to make sure what I was reading was real.

Dear, Sweetie.

I have decided to go after them. You know the ones that destroyed the most precious thing we treasured so dearly. I can't have them doing the same thing to you, you see. I won't let them get away.

I promise I'll be back soon sweetie pie. Just sit back and wait 'til I get home. And so you know, I love you so so much. More than anyone can imagine xx

Sincerely, your father.

That was exactly what I didn't want to happen. For him to go after them. I didn't have any say in the matter though. He had already gone. Why would I even try and go after him when he just did things without asking me first or even speaking to me about it?

It was his own fault if something happened to him. Not mine.

Hi. Yes I know starting a new book is stupid of me, but please bear with me for a few seconds. I just came up with the most amazing idea ever and I really wanted to write a book on it. I feel like I can really relate to this girl in some ways and I also believe some of my viewers can too  ^_^

I'll try and update Death Is Upon Us but it isn't like anyone is reading it. Goodbye my lovelies xx
Gem Gems

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