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Leia's outfit at the top --------»

It was Monday morning and I was dreading school. Partly it was because I didn't feel like speaking to anyone.

The other thing that was bugging me was Mason Daniels. I didn't want to talk to him, hear him, or frankly see him at all. I had embarrassed myself infront of him and I would never live it down.

Automatically cringing, I walked up to my wardrobe and picked out a dark burgundy jumper and some black jeans. I wasn't uncomfortable with my body or anything. It was just extremely cold outside and I couldn't be bothered to grab my coat off of the hook.

Jogging downstairs and making my way to the still dusty kitchen, I grabbed myself a cereal bar for breakfast. Breakfast was meant to be the most important meal of the day, but I couldn't care less.

My dad wasn't here and I didn't have any friends to look out for me so what was the point in trying to stay healthy when there was no-one who actually took notice of my existence.

Slipping on my dark brown ankle boots, I grabbed my front door keys and my bag with all of my school books. Glancing at the clock that was beside me, it read 8:05 AM.

Shoot. I only had about 15 minutes to get to school and it took 12 minutes to get to school from my house. I lived far from school, but that was the nearest school I could only go to. All the others were filled with intelligent students that were way too smart for me.

When I unlocked the front door, I opened it, strutted out and slammed it shut as quickly as I could. I rushed to the car and unlocked it with my keys. Nearly pulling the door off, I slid into the car.

Remembering to put in the right key that time, I breathed a sigh in relief. That only took a minute. I still had 14 minutes left. I could make it.

Smiling in satisfaction, I relaxed my shoulders and reversed out of my drive-way.

Speeding through the halls as fast as Lightning McQueen, I breathed out heavily once my first class' door was in sight.

Stopping for a few seconds to catch my breath, I watched as people gawked at me strangely. They seemed a bit startled. I mean I would have been too if I had seen a girl zoom past me and then stop to take huge deep breaths of air.

As I reached for the door handle on my class' door, the late bell rang. Groaning in disbelief, I grumbled profanities under my breath.

Once I pushed the door open, the teacher gave me a disapproving look and handed me a detention pass. Great. Just flipping great.

Walking to a seat with my head held down in shame, I flamed under the gazes of every student in the classroom. Why life? Why would you do that to me? I may or may not have stopped for a hot chocolate on the way, but it only took a few minutes. Why couldn't a girl drink some hot chocolate to go?

"So as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," the teacher said in a sharp tone, shooting daggers my way. "There is going to be a trip to the woods next week so I want all of your permission slips in by Friday. Friday please, not a day later."

Permission slips, seriously? Well my dad wasn't't here to sign it. Anyway who did she think we were? We were seventeen not seven. Some of us were even eighteen.

"If there are any problems in handing your slip in please come-"

The teacher was interrupted, once again, by the door swinging open. The face she gave to the student was much more unpleasant than the one she sent to me.

"Mr Daniels, why are you," she stated, looking at her wrist watch. "FIVE MINUTES LATE."

Daniels? I swore I had heard that surname before. With my eyes widening on their own accord, I nearly gasped at who it was.

Mason was in my class? How did I not even know that? The most gossiped boy at school was in my class? And I didn't even realise.

"Miss, I'm surprised myself. I normally don't even bother turning up and you're complaining over me being 300 seconds late," he spoke back, rocking on his heels as he stared down at the teacher.

"Sit down, Daniels," she ordered sternly. "And that's another hour on your detention for talking back."

Mason rolled his eyes and scanned the classroom for a spare seat. Unfortunately, the last two spare seats was one that was next to me and the other seat was next to a sleeping Lee.

With an evil smirk and amused eyes, I could just work out where he was going to sit. And it definitely wasn't by Lee, baring in mind you could hear his snores from the back of the room.

"Hey, Craze," he chuckled, pulling the seat back from the table to sit on. "Didn't know I had you in this class."

I wanted to reply back, but I didn't want to risk another embarrassing moment. Deciding to stay silent, I faced forwards and began listening to what the teacher was saying.

"Oi, Craze!"



Silence yet again.

"Craze, speak to me!"

Unable to hold in my frustration, I yelled, "Would you just be quiet for one single second of your pathetic life!"

Mason's lips parted in surprise and astonishment. Finally, peace and quiet.


"He started it!" I cried out, motioning my hands towards a smug looking Mason.

"I don't really care who started it. Another hour added to your detention," she said, placing her hands on her hips.

I probably represented a fish right at that point but she couldn't do that. All of the whole class was witnessing Leia Owens, the nerd, getting told off by the teacher. I wouldn't have been surprised if there were rumours the very next day. Rumours that were very far from the actual truth.

"B-But miss-"

"No buts. I expected better from you, Miss Owens," she shook her head with disappointment and soon carried on with the lesson.

"Crazy nerd can't handle her desire for me and covers it up with an outburst, I see," Mason sing-songed in my ear, his hot breath tickling my ear.
Refraining from punching him in the face, I let out a heavy sigh. Hopefully that was the last time I saw him today.

Hello, I hope you liked this chapter. Please feel free to comment and also I would appreciate a cheeky vote. I will see you soon my lovelies.
Gem Gems

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