Chapter 4

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Hey I know these are annoyingg but I also know this type of story is very controversial and I sort of expect this to get shit at some point for being somewhat a huge kangaroo rabbit x reader but hey whatever you're in to

I opened my eyes in a cage that hung from a ceiling that I couldn't see.

I stuck my head out, looking up, and noticed that the chain seemed to be rusty and breaking. I look down, and boy was that a mistake.

I couldn't see anything, it was a gaping hole of nothingness. It was completely pitch black.

I fell back into the cage, and it swung with my movement. It made me shiver, I was scared shitless. Not only did heights scare the hell out of me, but the fact that I was kidnapped did.

Kidnapped by a mythical man.

I would laugh if my life weren't being threatened.

"How was your sleep?" The boogeyman stepped from the shadows on a platform a few feet from my cage. "Cluttered with nightmares I presume."

I scowl and look away from him. He cackles, and reaches forward, moving my cage, shaking it violently. I scream, desperately holding onto one rusty metal bar.

Just then, a loud noise echoes through the emptiness. The sound of metal snapping and creaking.

"It's over, Pitch."

A large man wearing red enters, fiats clenched, followed by numerous other characters.

"Oh, thank god! Help me!" I call out, sticking my head out, but I shake the cage, and I fall out.

Feeling my body go numb, I scream as I fall into the darkness.

"Jack!" The man yells, sending a younger boy after me.

Before I know it, I'm being held up by an arm, and my eyes are left wide open in terror.


"Whoops!" He groans, bringing me to sturdy ground, and watches me nearly collapse.

"You... Can fly. Holy shi-"

"Blimey, not another one of ya!"

And, a huge kangaroo hops over to me.

I lose consciousness.

Sleep coats the corners in my eyes, and I rub them. Opening them, I see a short golden man, I feel like fainting again.

"Woah, woah, Sandy, she can't see you right now." Jack shoo'd ... Sandy? I have no idea.

"What the heck is going on?!" A bolt of realization hits me.

"I'm Jack Frost... And, they're the guardians."


"Eh, they protect the children. Hope, belief, you know..." I tilt my head, and he tsks. "Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy. The Sand Man?"

My mouth drops.

"Santa? Wait, you guys are real...?" I shake my head, standing up. "I can't believe this... I can't-"

"Clearly you do. Otherwise you wouldn't be seeing me right now." He stated, turning to watch me pace back and forth.

"Wha- you know what, i- I'm just not gonna ask anymore."

"North." Jack looked past me, and I turn to meet the large man.

"North? Isn't it Santa?"

"Ah, just call me North." He pats his large hand onto my back, and leans in close. "It's cooler."

I scratch the back of my head.

"So, wait... What am I doing now? I have to get back to my home." I explain.

Jack exchanges looks with North, just before the kangaroo hopped in... I mean, Easter bunny?

"What's going on in here?" His voice was coated with a thick Australian accent, making me just want to melt immediately.

"You're kidding me..." I gasp, completely breath taken.

Jack places a hand on his hip.

"(Y/n), we've been over this."

"But a talking kangaroo. Isn't that a bit much, that's a bit much."

"Kangaroo?!- gah! I'm a rabbit!" He stuttered.

"He's the Aster Bunnymund." North speaks.

I meet Bunnymund's stare of curiosity and distrust.

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