Chapter 23

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I'm Sitting up, I yawn. Alive as ever, I shrug. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and hop off onto the floor. Time to have a boring, normal breakfast.

I cook up some bacon on the stove before I go to work. But before I do, I shove a piece of bacon into my mouth and click on the voice mail on my landline.

"1 new message. Would you like to - "

I press the button once again impatiently.

"(Y/n), I just wanted to say thanks for watching Kevin, and I also wanted to know if you were still coming by on Christmas? Okay. Call me back. Oh! And by the way; Kevin can't really recall what happened the past few days while he was with you. Can you explain that? Call me back."

That's weird. Neither can I... oh well.

Arriving at work, I'm greeted by my boss blocking me from entering.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"(Y/n), you haven't come to work for the past three weeks! We have to let you go."

"Wait what?! I was here just yesterday!" I hiss in confusion.

"Are... you feeling alright?" He steps closer to me, placing the back of his hand on my forehead.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I don't know if YOU'RE alright?"

My coworker steps out from the door and stands beside the boss.

"(Y/n)..." Jackie said.

"No... this is so weird. What's going on?" I start panicking.

"Let's take you to the hospital until you know what's going on..."

"Don't- don't touch me." I look at them one last time. "Please." And then I run off.

What the heck is going on? I'm so scared. I feel like I... I don't know. I feel eager, but scared. I know something's terribly wrong. Am I going crazy?

Stumbling around my neighborhood, I find my way home. At least I try to. Finally, as I do I go straight for the couch, where I plop down onto it.

"What's going on..." I whisper, as I start to cry. "I'm so confused. This is a nightmare."

Sitting with my forehead in my palms, I start to cry. Why am I even crying? It just... feels so wrong. I haven't felt this bad since my breakup two years ago. Or three? How long has it been?

Standing up, I take a step outside and sit against the fence. Just breathe. Everything's going to be alright. Alright. Phew. I'm okay. Just then, I hear the phone ring faintly from inside the house. I quickly rush in and answer it.


"Hey, (y/n), wanna go out tonight?"

A night out with my friend should help, I guess.

"Sure. Uh, wanna go now actually?"

"Um, sure. Just let me get dressed!"

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