Chapter 14 (part 2)

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Disclaimer: I do not speak Romani, so I used Google Translate and got Romanian instead. If anyone actually speaks either of these and is offended, I'm sorry...

"Mr. Wayne?" The judge calls, the second Bruce re-enters the room. He politely takes his seat and looks up. "Your Honour?"

"Mr. Wayne, it seems that the jury cannot make up their minds, and refuses to continue until they've seen one last witness in your defense..." he waves his arm to the bailiff on his left, and she leaves the courtroom. When she returns, none other than Dick Grayson walks in with her, shyly looking around the room.

She leads the small boy to the witness stand and returns to her position. The judge speaks again. "Richard? Do you swear to tell to whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

"Yes sir......"

"Then you may begin.

"Bruce never hurt me. He's a great person and an amazing guardian and I'd really appreciate it if you maybe wouldn't take him away from me...?"

"Richard, we understand what you're feeling... And we know you've lost family before, but he can't hurt you. We'll make sure of that. You don't have to be afraid..."

"I'm not afraid! I'm angry! The only thing I'm scared of right now is that you're not going to let me see him again!"

"Mr. Grayson, please calm down..... everything will be just fine, I promise. I understand that you've lost your family before, and you'd like not to lose another one, but you have to tell us the truth... Has he ever hit you?"


"Has he ever punished you when you've done nothing wrong?"


"Has he ever touched you inappropriately?"


"Thank you, Richard. You may have your seat."

"No! You're not taking him..... He's never done anything wrong to me, and I don't want to lose him over something stupid!"

"Richard, where have all of your broken bones come from?"

"I'm an acrobat! It's part of what I do! Look at my hands; calluses, bruises, broken nails, you name it."

"That's a fair point, Richard but you seem to always make up excuses that don't make any sense-"

"They make perfect sense! I fell off my bike! I messed up a stunt! It's all normal!"

"Richard, please-"

"Nu! Nu mă duc să se calmeze, pentru că eu spun adevărul!" (No! I'm not going to calm down, because I'm telling the truth!)

"Someone get a translator...."

"El nu a făcut nimic greșit și nu se poate dovedi că el a făcut-o!" (He didn't do anything wrong and you can't prove that he did!)

"Mr. Wayne, do you know what he's saying?"

"I do, your honour..."

"El e tatăl meu și nu-l poți lua departe .... nu poți. Nu-l pot pierde prea" (He's my dad and you can't take him away.... you can't. I can't lose him too) Dick wipes away useless tears and slumps in his seat. "taticul meu...." (my daddy.....) 

The jury awes and the judge looks away. "Do we have a translator for Mr.Grayson yet?"

"No, sir..." 

"Dick," Bruce starts "vă rugăm să înțelegeți că ceea ce se întâmplă astăzi nu se află în controlul tău ... dacă mă iau departe, nu e vina ta și eu nu te-aș condamna pentru asta. Vă rugăm să nu mai plânge, Dickie ..." (please understand that what happens today is not in your control... if they take me away, it's not your fault and I would never blame you for it. Please stop crying, Dickie...)

"dar ... dar am de gând să te pierd .... Nu vreau să trăiesc cu o altă familie, Bruce Vreau să stau cu tine. Te rog spune ceva pentru a le" (but... but I'm going to lose you.... I don't want to live with another family, Bruce I want to stay with you. Please say something to them)

Dick continues to swat at the moisture on his face sadly, and leans back. 'It's useless...' He thinks to himself. 'It doesn't matter.... I'm never going to see him again.' 

To the surprise of Dick, the judge, and just about everyone else in the room, a man from the jury stands. "You're honour, we have our decision. We find the defense not guilty."

"I'm sorry?"

"We find the defendant, Bruce Anthony Wayne, innocent."

Dick's eyes light up and he stands as quickly as he can. He jumps over the railing and runs to Bruce just as he's being let out of his cuffs. Bruce picks him up and wraps him in a bear hug. The little boy cries into his guardian's chest, dampening the awful orange of his jumpsuit. "It's alright, Dickie. It's okay."

Dick doesn't leave his side as Bruce fills out his paperwork and questions, and he answers with a bright smile when Bruce asks "Now?"

In the midst of the cameras flashing, and phones recording, Bruce makes his way through the crowd to one reporter in particular. 

"Mr. Kent," he begins. "Thank you, for aiding me while I was in prison, and doing your best to make sure my son was as comfortable as possible. I feel like I should reward you."

"I- no, it's no problem, Mr. Wayne. No reward needed."

"No? I doubt you'd be opposed to this." Bruce says, leaning forward and placing a deep kiss on his alien's lips.

The reporter's face flushes a dark red as he's pulled closer. Gasps and shocked expressions fill the room, leaving everyone gape-mouthed. All except for Dick Grayson, grinning happily at his mentor's change of mind.

By the time they separate, Bruce is smiling uncontrollably, while Clark is the colour of a beet. The cameras starts flashing again, and the journalists are somehow asking more questions than before.

The couple and their little boy make their way out of the building with smiles on their faces, and content in their hearts. They've had a bad month, but it's ended on a sappy note--and Bruce couldn't be more delighted.

So, I guess my little hiatus is over, and you shall all be returned to your regularly scheduled updates every Wednesday! Family issues are over for the most part, and I'm glad to be back.

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