Ikuto isn't Ikuto.

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This is the choice I've made, to rid the world of myself and to make not only my family, but the person I love happier without me.

Regrets... I have but one.

I wasn't able to smile, I wasn't able to convey my true feelings,

That is something I truly regret.


It was snowing heavily, If she didn't hurry up she'd miss out on more time to spend with Tadase.

Life with her blonde prince was absolutely wonderful. If Ikuto were standing with her, he would surely be happy for her. Wouldn't he?

The petite pinkette shrugged to herself. Okay so she really hadn't bothered to make contact with him for awhile. But it was okay right? Ikuto was busy, Ikuto was famous.

He was everywhere on magazines and interviews. Everyone was crazy about the new violinist sensation.

So why did Amu feel like it wasn't what it was all cracked up to be.

Maybe it was the worn look on his face or the smile that didn't quite reach his eyes when she watched the interviews.

Something was missing.

But it couldn't be that important.

Amu shivered and wrapped her pink cotton scarf tighter around herself. She didn't like this cold. No one should be out at this time. It was ridiculous.

But Tadase begged her to pick his order up for him while he finished writing his assessments, she was proud of her biologist boyfriend. He worked very hard, at little too hard. He seemed caught up in his work lately.

Which led to less time with her and she was more opt to betray herself with thoughts of a certain blue neko.

Speaking of which, where was he? The news anchor said Ikuto had vanished for three days and nobody had seen the violinist in the period of time.

I hope he's okay.

Amu felt guilty about ignoring him, it wasn't his fault. Tadase was just a bit overprotective.

Wind whirled about, chilling her to the bone and turning her sakura colored tresses into a wild mess.

She brushed the hair from her face and spotted something dark on the edge of the bridge.

Upon closer inspection Amu realized it was a man, walking closer she realized it wasn't just any man, but was the man of her current thoughts. Tsukiyomi Ikuto.

Seeing him as he mumbled a few words he seemed to be talking to himself.

Just as she was about to step forward and call out to him, Amu watched Ikuto push off the edge. and fall spiraling to the turbulent black waters below.

Amu did the only thing she could think of, scream.

Her agonizing screams brought several people over to where she had dropped the meal, scattering sushi all over the dirty snow covered sidewalk. Trembling with fear.

"H-He jumped." Was all the pinkette could say. Pale as a ghost.

Instantly people crowded to the edge of the bridge and someone jumped in after the bluenette.

That was the last thing she could remember before her body went numb and she passed out.


Nervous sweaty palms rubbed themselves together in anticipation.

"Tsukiyomi Ikuto."

Instantly Amu was up and out of her chair like a lightening bolt. She couldn't get the room number from the nurse fast enough it seemed as she sprinted down the hallway to a door marked '208'.

A shaky breath was taken as she slowly opened the door, hearing it creak behind her.

The sight before her made her gasp aloud.

There was Ikuto lying in the hospital bed, he himself was whiter than the sheets with dark circles under his eyes and chapped lips.

With a blank expression, at the sight of his beloved strawberry something flashed across Ikuto's face before he concealed it.

Amu gulped. This wasn't Ikuto, this was definitely not him. It couldn't be. Where was the usual smirk, where was the playfully perverted remark such as 'Awww my little strawberry was worried and came to visit me.'?

He was like a new person and not in a good way.

He looked so tired, like he'd collapse at any second.

She'd never seen him so, so weak. Heck Amu had never seen Ikuto weak, he was one of the strongest people she knew personally.

So why did he seem defeated like he gave up.

She hesitantly licked her cracked lips before opening her mouth to speak. Suddenly at a loss for words her mouth went dry.

"H-Hi." Amu spoke hesitantly looking back at that blank expression he was giving her. "Yo." His voice was flat.

Amu could hardly believe her ears or eyes. Before she could hold them back, hot tears dribbled down her cheeks. "Why? Ikuto... Why would you do something like this?"

She got no response.

"Tell me."

Ikuto was ever silent, refusing to look in her direction. And for some reason it felt like she was stabbed in the chest by his refusal to answer, to tell him the truth.

"TELL ME!" She stomped up furiously beside him. Anger shone clear in her golden eyes.

"I can't." The feeble half assed answer made her even more furious.

"Yes you can! YOU WON'T THAT'S WHAT IT IS!" Amu stomped her foot irritatedly on the cold tile floor, face red.


For the first time ever, Ikuto snapped. The heart monitor increased by a higher percentage.

"Shut up!" Amu froze, Ikuto, The Tsukiyomi Ikuto had yelled and dang he looked angry.

"Damn it Amu stop lecturing me! Of course I thought of this, you think I didn't? But the more I thought the more I realized I'm alone. A-L-O-N-E!"

He paused to take a breath as Amu pulled back in shock.

"I'd just be troubling them if I told them how I feel. Don't you get it?! I jumped off the fricking bridge because I want to die! So leave me alone!"

Her face pale, she couldn't speak as he calmed down and turned away. "I-Ikuto.."

"Just leave me alone and go back to Tadase, I'm sure he's worried about you." The bluenette voiced dully and a pang went through Amu's heart.

She had no idea he'd been hurting this bad.

All at once guilt for ignoring and leaving Ikuto filled her system and she was ashamed. Too choked up to speak.

Quietly the door creaked open. In popped a worried looking nurse.

"Ma'am excuse me but visiting hours are over."

Amu nodded her head and stood up, picking up her purse and slinging it over her shoulder.

She stood up and walked to the door but not before whispering "I'll come again tomorrow." With those words and an empty silence that followed her from the room as she echoed the hospital and made her way down the slippery street.

This was horrible. Ikuto was not Ikuto anymore.

She needed to help him any way she could.

With those words in mind, Amu continued her walk down the street.


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