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This is the last chapter ouo
There's going to be an epilogue. But this is technically the last chapter.
A/N: Basically you get the point. I don't and never will own Shugo Chara. That's Peach Pit's privilege.
I'm sorry for the person I became.

I'm sorry it took me so long to change.

I'm ready to try and never become that way again.

'Cause who I am hates who I've been.

-Relient K


Snow whirled around in shining multicolored as the sun finally peeked out in the gray dusky sky.

Streets paved in white, Large drifts gathering on the edge of the sidewalk.

Ikuto was frozen as he felt warm tears through his shirt.

He shivered laying on his back in a tremendous pile of snow, He hadn't brought his coat and was merely wearing a jacket. But cold was the last this on his mind.

Instead it was confusedly revolving around the crying pinkette in his arms.

The only girl he'd ever loved.

"Amu?" His voice was slightly shaking.

What was she doing her? Wouldn't she be out with Tadase. He was sure the lucky guy would want to be spending makeup time with his girlfriend due to the lack of time they'd spent together over the last few days.

"I'm so glad I found you." Amu's voice came out in more of a wail as she sat up and tried to brush away all the scalding tears that dripped down her burning cheeks.

"Why were you looking for me?" He too sat up, So both of them were sitting across from each other on the frozen ground. It was obviously some strange sight.

Because adults and such were staring each time they walked by the two young adults with odd hair colors.

"I-I wanted to tell you something." Her lips were chapped from the merciless wind and eyes red from crying. Yet there was excitement in her eyes, Like she'd just discovered the greatest thing ever.

"Hold on a minute," He grabbed her bare hands concerned, Feeling them so cold. Her cheeks were flushed.

"Amu you're freezing! Why didn't you wear a warmer coat? Where are your gloves and hat?" Sighing he got up grabbing her hand to help her up.

Impaitiently she waited as he collected his fallen violin and bow that had been lying on the ground where he had dropped them and replaced them both inside his violin case. Slipping it onto his broad shoulder.

"C'mon." He enveloped her cold hand with his large warm one.

Amu couldn't help but grin at the warmth it brought to her heart.

Thank you God for giving me such a wonderful guy who truly cares.

Amu let herself be led through shortcuts and streets. Completely trusting him.

She couldn't help but notice that he avoided crowds when possible, Yet kept away from alleys.

Sure they'd be shorter but she realized it would be more dangerous. It was obvious that Ikuto was wary every time they passed by an alley.

So many things happened in this area.

Rape, murder, muggers and all out dangerous people.

Fortunately nothing happened and before she knew it they were standing outside of a nice looking apartment complex.

This area was all familiar. She had been to Ikuto's house multiple times before.

But it felt so different. Amu wasn't thinking of him as a friend anymore. The feeling made butterflies flit about in her chest.

He swiped the card to the entrance gate and they proceeded into the reserved complex.

"Are you warm enough now?" Amu's face reddened slightly as she felt his soft hand touch her cheek.

"Y-Yes! Thank you!" Her blush deepened as she saw the warm smile on Ikuto's face. One that she felt was especially for her, He'd never shown it to anyone but her.

Now she couldn't even think of the reason why she had chosen Tadase over Ikuto.

There was a small fire crackling in the fireplace and her soaking jacket was placed on the hearth to dry.

Amu's clothes had also been soaking wet, so she borrowed of Ikuto's sweatpants and one of his shirts for the time being.

While her jeans and top were in the dryer that is.

Only then did Amu realize how ridiculously tall he was compared to her inferior size.

The shirt went just above her knees and she had to roll up the pant legs several times just too keep from tripping over them.

Curse tall people.

The kettle began shrieking and Amu found herself missing the warmth of Ikuto as he got up from his spot on the couch to make tea.

Amu took the opportunity to examine her surroundings closer.

Although she had been in this room so many times, She was so surprised to see things she hadn't even noticed.

Pictures of his dead parents rested on the mantle.

An assortment of others were on bookshelves.

One however caught her eye. Slowly she rose from the couch and pattered over to inspect it more closely.

It was a picture taken in her freshman year of high school.

She remembered that day clearly as her fingertips softly traced the outlines of two familiar figures.

Amu shrieked as a hand snaked it's way around her waist.

"I-Ikuto! Let me go, Tadase will see!" She whisper yelled.

Ikuto pouted and tightened his grip around her waist, Causing her to turn a nice cherry red.

"But Amu," His voice became silky smooth as he stared at her with puppy dog eyes and stuck out his lower lip. An action Amu had never been able to resist.

"I just wanna congratulate you." Amu rolled her eyes to keep from giving in. His warmth actually felt nice. "Y-You can congratulate me without being perverted!"

"But that's no fun." He smirked holding up a disposable camera. The kind you might buy from a drugstore. "Say cheese."

"Wha-" A flash went off. "Ikuto I wasn't ready!" She pouted and jabbed him with her elbow as he started laughing.

"Okay, okay. We can retake it." Ikuto patted her head good naturedly. "Say fresh meat."

"What?" Flash.


"Pfffttt HAHAHAHA!"

Ikuto's sudden entrance in the room broke her from her trance.

Placing the picture gently back on the shelf, Amu made her way back to the sofa where Ikuto was placing two steaming cups of tea on the coffee table.

"Arigato." She said as he handed her a cup.

She held the cup tightly, Hands shaking a bit as she felt the warm steam rise from the contents of her mug.

"So what was so important about finding me that you needed to half freeze yourself looking all over town?" Ikuto asked casually as he took a sip from his own piping mug.

"Ah that..." Amu felt her hands trembling uncontrollably as she set her mug on the coffee table to avoid dropping it.

She couldn't chicken out. Not now when she'd made it so far. Not to mention made him wait so long.

"I wanted to tell you, I've finally figured out my feelings." She felt his sapphire orbs focus on her, Evaluating her for any signs of uncertainty. Something clicked, She knew this was the right decision.

Plus, she had his attention now.

No going back. It's not like she wanted to anyway.

"I see." She could practically hear him gulp and knew he was preparing for the worst.

"Tadase was always the ideal prince, he's kind and respectful. Caring and very well mannered. My ideal guy," She watched Ikuto's face contort with pain.

Hurry it up Amu. Cut to the chase.

She sighed. "Or so I thought. I've practically been chasing after him from the start. Blinded by his outside character. As for quite some time he had the same problem." She fiddled with a lock of her hair, Ikuto was fully concentrating on her words.

"Then I began to understand the real Tadase. And excepted him as he was. We were happy." Her eyes grew sad.

"I chose to ignore the feeling that it would never last and date him anyway. I didn't realize how much I pushed you away and hurt you. Even after you did all those this for me."

"Even though I took your confession as a big joke. You still smiled, For my happiness. And now I know how hard that was."

Her heart was pounding one hundred miles a minute. To say all this was embarrassing.

But it had to be said. He had to know the truth.

"I finally realize who my most important person is,"

Ikuto's breath hitched.

"This is late, But I think I should give you a proper answer to your confession."

Amu took a deep breath, Smiling the most brilliant smile she ever had.

"I, Hinamori Amu, love you Tsukiyomi Ikuto."

Everything was suddenly silent. There was absolutely no response whatsoever, She couldn't even tell if he was breathing.

"Uh... Ikuto?" She opened her eyes to see him completely frozen on the couch next to her.

"Are you okay?" He sat like stone.

Was this good or bad. Maybe he didn't believe her. Maybe he couldn't trust her. "Ne, Ikuto?"

Suddenly his face broke into the largest smile Amu had ever seen. Ikuto never smiled like that. Maybe a gentle loving smile. But he had never never EVER smiled like that. Ever!

Wordlessly he cupped her face with his hands. His deep azure eyes staring into her own honey gold ones. "Do you really mean it?" His voice was barely above a whisper.

She could only nod as his thumb gently stroked her cheek. There was a look in his eyes she couldn't describe.

Is that what they mean when they call it pure love?

affectionately he pulled her face closer to his.

Amu closed her eyes as she felt soft lips on her own. It was amazing, Just a simple action like this could convey so many emotions.

The kiss was gentle, But not demanding. Like Ikuto was trying to show her every bit of love he had for her.

That was exactly it.

They both broke for air, staring into each other's eyes once again.

"I love you Ikuto." She heard him chuckle as he pulled her closer to him, she rested her head on his chest.

She felt so at ease as his deep voice rumbled from his rest.

"I love you too Amu-koi."

He no longer had to hide. She and only she, was the angel who freed him from those chains.

That's it, the last chapter.

I know nothing of love, I just read a lot of Amuto fanfics.

I really hope you enjoyed it.

I have to say, Writing this took away my depressive emotions.

Maybe I'll write a sequel someday in the future.

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