Chapter 24

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When the memories faded she paced her head in her hands. 

"Did it work,mate?" Bunny whispered at Tooth who was biting her finger, she shrugged and then went back to biting her finger, Jack walked over to stand in front of her, when she looked back up she sighed.

 " Look I love the thought, but there are some memories I would like to forget." she said and turned and walked right through Jack. Jack's heart dropped and turned to watch Elsa leave. 

"What happened, I was in her memories...I was there for her." He fell to his knees holding on to his staff for dear life. "I don't know what happened, she should remember you." Tooth rubbed her neck when Pitch popped out of the shadows. 

"Unless you erase the memories and replace them with other ones." Pitch smiled for he caught their glares, Jack readied his staff, when Pitch just sat down on the fountain edge. 

"How did you do it?" North asked looking at Pitch in disbelief, he smiled,stood up and walked over to them, Anna grabbed Kristoff's arm and glared at him. 

"Your cold hearted and no one cares about you, you freak of nature!" Anna yelled at him, Pitch turned and glared at her,but before she could say anymore Kristoff clasped a hand over her mouth. 

"For a princess you sure don't have manners." He hissed at her,but then went back to the guardians. 

"As I was going to saw before the red head started talking it was easy all I did wait till she opened the box then point my finger at her, say some words then bye-bye memories of Frost."

"Why are you doing this?" Anna asked for she bit Kristoff's hand, and he moved it out of the way.He turned to look at her then smiled. 

"I told Frost I was going to take everything away from him, what's better then her forgetting that he exists." He laughs then walks over to Jack who pointed the staff right at Pitch,but he moved it away from him. 

"So how does it feel knowing that the girl you love doesn't remember and better yet doesn't believe in you." Jack dropped his staff and looked down at the ground a tear fall down to the ground. Pitch laughed once again and turned to look at the others. 

"Good luck trying to get her memories back, it won't be easy." then he left and left them wondering. They all walked over to Jack who was on the ground sitting with his head in his knees. Anna placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled, same with the others. 

"We will help her remember you, we promise." Anna said as she looked back up at Elsa's window to she her sister pacing back and forth freezing the window a little. 

"There's the ball coming up would that help any." Kristoff asked as he inched his head and coughed Tooth looked down and Jack just sent a glare at him. 

"No, How would that help if she can't see me!" he shouted and stood up and walked into the castle to Elsa's studies.

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