Together at last.

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Elsa and Anna walked down the streets and found the stand that sells white chocolate. They plant one in theirs mouths and giggled as Olaf played with some kids. And they laughed as Olaf lost his head and the kids laughed and ran after his head. Anna ran after Olaf's head and Elsa was all alone. When that man dressed in black showed up.

 " Oh Elsa, see I told you Frost won't come back." Elsa glared at the man. 

"You don't know that, he could come back." Elsa retorted at the man. The man just laughed and looked at Elsa. 

"And how long have it been, you know when he left." The man said. Elsa got quiet and looked at the ground. The man just laughed and disappeared.Elsa looked around and she saw Anna walking her way.

 "Well Olaf has a head again." Anna laughed when she saw Elsa looking troubled. 

"Elsa, are you okay?" Anna asked looking worried. Elsa looked up at Anna and sighed. 

"Yeah I'm fine." And then Elsa just walked away. Anna followed.

" We saw all of our friends,but Pitch is not after them, so who is he after?" North asked and Bunny just sighed and sat down on the sleigh. 

" Is that everyone?" Tooth asked and looked at Jack. Jack who was lost in thought bolted up and started to fly faster. 

"Jack, what's going on!?" Sandy asked with his signs. Jack turned and looked at them. 

"I know who he's going after!" Jack yelled back and then he turned around and headed to see Elsa. 

"Elsa! Where are you!?" Jack yelled as he ran through the kingdom looking for Elsa. Olaf who was walking past, he saw Jack and walked over. 

"Jack Frost, what are you doing here?" Olaf asked as he stood in front of Jack. 

" I'm looking for Elsa,do you know where she is?" Jack asked looking worried and looking forward to seeing Elsa after so long. 

"She's with Anna looking at the new school." Olaf showed Jack over to the new school and Jack saw Elsa standing there with a little girl giving her flowers. Jack walked over to Elsa and stood behind her, Anna saw Jack and was going to tell Elsa that Jack was behind her. Jack put a finger to his lips and told her to be quiet and Anna nodded. 

" So Elsa, we better get going." Anna said as she walked toward Jack. Elsa turned and saw Jack, Elsa's eyes grew wide and tears started to form. She ran to Jack and hugged him, Jack hugged back and let Elsa cry into his hoodie.

 " I thought I'll never see you again." Elsa cried as Jack pat her on the head. 

"I told you I'll be back who told you that I wasn't coming back?" Jack asked looking worried. Elsa seeing that Jack was worried she thought that she shouldn't tell him about the man in black. 

"Umm Elsa, have you seen a man dressed in black walking around here?" Jack asked looking around seeing if Pitch was near,but nothing. Elsa knew she should tell him, but he looked worried enough. 

"I'm afraid not, Jack." Elsa lied she buried her face into Jack's hoodie. 

" Well is it okay, if I stayed around?" Jack asked knowing that Pitch is after her. 

"Yes, you can stay." Elsa replied through Jack's hoodie. The other guardians saw that Elsa was hugging Jack and that Pitch wasn't around. Jack asked Elsa if the guardians can stay and she said yes. So they headed to their rooms.

I'm here Jack Frost x ElsaWhere stories live. Discover now