I let her down

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"I think he's coming around!" Tooth replied as she looked at Jack. Jack groaned and opened his eyes to find that he was in his room. 

"How did I get here?" Jack asked as he looked around his room to see that everyone was there. 

"Kristoff found you in the woods and brought you here." Anna piped up Olaf walked in with a wet cloth and placed in on Jack's forehead. Jack tried to sit up but then fell back into the bed.

 "Jack, what happened?" North asked sitting down in a chair that was next to Jack. Jack told them all that happened and that Pitch broke his staff. 

"What's so special about this staff?" Kristoff asked and then all the guardians glared at him. Kristoff looked at them like hey I just want to know.

 "My staff, it... It's how I got my powers." Jack replied as he winched as he tried to sit up. North who was quiet then piped up. 

"Jack, you are not going to fight Pitch, not this time." Jack sat up to fast then he fell back down. 

"I may not have my powers,but I still can fight." Jack argued. Kristoff rolled his eyes. 

"How can you fight if you can't even sit up?" Kristoff pointed out. Jack glared at Kristoff and tried to sit up,but failed. Tooth raised an eyebrow and sighed. Olaf run over and put a hand on Jack's shoulder. Jack lied back down and Olaf put his twig hand on Jack's forehead then Olaf jerked his hand away. 

"He's burning up!" Olaf cried as he ran to get an other wet rag. Bunny was standing against the wall then stood up straighter. 

"I don't say this much but North is right." Jack looked up at Bunny with a surprised look. 

"Your to weak to fight." Tooth join in. Jack looked up at Tooth and Tooth looked away. 

"Jack, Elsa would want you to rest." Anna said as she looked down at the ground. Jack looked up at Anna.

 "Just until your stronger." Anna said then she left the room. Kristoff followed and looked back at Jack. 

"Please don't do anything dumb." Jack smiled at Kristoff's words. 

"I'm not making any promises." 

Week later....

North stood over Jack and Olaf ran in and out helping as much as he can. 

"Is he any better?" Anna asked as she and Kristoff walked in. Olaf turned and looked at them. 

"It's the flu, but it's getting worse." Olaf explained as he put another washcloth on Jack's forehead. Anna looks down and then Bunny pops up. Anna jumped back an inch. 

"Why do you keep doing that?" Anna asked as she walked over too Bunny. Bunny just shrugged and walked over to Jack.

 "Sorry but we couldn't find Pitch or your staff,mate." Bunny replied as Tooth and Sandy walked in. 

"It's like he disappeared from the face of the earth." Tooth replied as she walked over to Jack. Jack sighed and turned over and winched. 

"This my fault, I should've stayed with her." Jack said as he grabbed a pillow and covered his face. 

"Jack, this is not your fault." Sandy said with his signs 

"Thanks Sandy, but I let Elsa down." Jack said through the pillow. 

"We'll find her,Jack." North replied as Olaf came and left. Anna walked over and laid a hand on Jack's head. 

"Well his fever is gone!" Anna cried as she smiled and walked over to Kristoff. Jack looked up at North. 

"Can I help or do I need to stay?" North sighed and looked at Jack. 

"Well it depends if you can stand." Jack sat up in bed and winched Anna rushed over to make him lied  down but Jack just raised his hand and got out of bed. Jack stood and looked at North.

 "So can I go?" Jack asked looking at North. North looked doubtful and shook his head. 

"It's me that Pitch wants, so let me go." North sighed and looked at Tooth nodded then North looked at Bunny. North shook his head no so when they left. Jack snuck out.

I'm here Jack Frost x ElsaWhere stories live. Discover now