Chapter 22

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"Look at all these papers how would I ever get this done." Elsa sighed as Anna walked over to her and grabbed some papers and started to open them up. 

"Um, Elsa do you know anybody by the name of Jack Frost?" she asked her eye turned at Elsa who was still looking at the papers. 

"Um no do you?" she asked not looking up, Anna just stayed silent Elsa really did forget Jack. 

"Anna are you okay?" She asked looking worried, she got up and walked over to Anna and hugged her. 

"Did I do something wrong?" she asked Anna's eyes widen. 

"No,No you did nothing wrong." She smiled and hugged Elsa making her feel better. 

"I just hope you will remember him." Anna muttered when Elsa walked back to her desk. She prayed that somehow she will get her memories back, when Olaf walked in and dragged Anna out. 

"What is it?" She asked when she shut the door and made sure Elsa won't hear anything at all. 

"They went to go find her memories, let hope they find them." He smiled as Anna jumped up and down than kissed Olaf on the nose. 

"That's good news! Thanks for telling me Olaf!" she smiled then went back into Elsa's studies.

"Nothing over here!" North bellowed as he looked through the tall grass. 

"Keep looking it has to be here somewhere!" Jack yelled as he was waste deep in a pond. 

"Any luck, mate!" Bunny called over to him,but was too late for Jack went under the water to look. 

"I'm checking the tree." Tooth called as she was buzzing through the branches as Sandy stuck his hand in an old rabbit's hole. When Jack finally surfaced he looked at his hand to only find an old boot, he sighed then threw the boot over his shoulder, lucky for Bunny he saw it coming and ducked in time. 

"WATCH IT,MATE!!" He yelled at him, Jack just went back into the water when Tooth piped up. 

"I think I found it!" she called,but then went silent and fell to the ground. 

"Never mind, just a bird's nest." she called back, North just sighed and went back to looking in the grass, when once again Jack popped up out of the water and he was holding Elsa's memories. 

"I found them!" he coughed as he slipped then went back under the water then came back up. 

" Good job Jack!" North laughed as he patted him on the back smiling. 

"Now all we need to do is get her to open it, piece of cake." Tooth smiled as she took the box from Jack and brushed it off so it shined.

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