Back to base

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Authors note:
This takes place two days after Clint and Natasha first met. He was sent to kill her but made a different call. Now they are at S.H.I.E.L.D where he argues with Fury to let her stay.

This is my first story but I hope you will still like it! Feel free to point out any mistakes or things you would improve. And please leave a like if you enjoyed my story:)

Eventually Barton had won the stare battle and Fury looked like he was willing to let me stay.
I wasn't sure though because he did not seem overly fond of this situation. The fact that his agent brought his Kill mission to S.H.I.E.L.D. was still freaking him out. That much I could tell.
Fury was almost raging.
I am glad the Coulson-guy helped Barton but he would have won the argument nonetheless that's for sure. Since he managed to catch me, he must be too good to be kicked out. And catching me is no sugar licking. No one ever had before. Not really at least and not without my consent. Maybe he's even their best but I doubt it. He is too weak otherwise he would not let me live and had killed me instead.
That's what I would have done. What every good agent would have. So why didn't he? I can't see through his plan and it's killing me.
Usually I can predict people's choices and actions. For some reason I can tell that he's different. He makes no sense.
So after we got out of Fury's office Coulson approached us again. "Barton, she is staying with you." He informed us. Wait no no no. There is no way I am staying in a room with this douchebag! "I would rather have my own room" I manage to say before he turns to leave. But Coulson refuses my request. Obviously the new ones don't get to choose. I sigh. "He lived long enough alone in this team apartment since he refused to have a partner but now he apparently wants you as his partner out of all people and I finally get the chance to see him clean that mess in his room!" He chuckles a little obviously enjoying the thought of Barton cleaning his shield quarter as if it is the most hilarious thing he can think of right now. I wonder how bad it looks and quickly decide that I don't really want to find out since I am going to sleep there. I already hate that thought. I haven't slept in the same room with someone in the last six years and I really want to keep it that way. But it looks like I have no choice. Might as well spy a little on Barton to get at least a tiny bit of information about him. He didn't even tell me he lived at shield. But he didn't really tell me anything at all in the first place since we met 3 days ago in that ally. Just his name and that he works for S.H.I.E.L.D. . I am still not sure why I chose to go with him. I could have died my Russian hero death for the red room and wouldn't have to deal with this you-have-to-sleep-in-a-room-with-your-partner crap.
When we finally arrive at a plain white steel door (really like every other steel door we passed this place is like a maze) with a Nametag on top that reads „Barton" and a little handwritten post-it with „Knock before entering! " Underneath. Barton stops and searches in his pocket for his shield ID card. He swipes it over a little black monitor right next to the door and it opens with a slight click. I realise it's a special safety door (the ones you use in a museum to keep thieves out) and wonder if every door here is like that. The first thing I notice are the clothes that lay all over the floor of what looks like the living room. So I guess Coulson was right about Barton being messy. Yeez how am I going to survive that? He seems to pick up my thoughts or at least the disgusted look on my face and mutters an apologetic „sorry" to me while swiping the clothes with his right foot away from the door and into a pile next to a surprisingly empty trash can in the back corner of the room. „I'm not used to have someone here. " He states and makes his way to the small kitchen corner on the left-hand side of the entrance. Finally I take a step into the apartment trying not to step on any remaining stuff lying around. „It's fine. I don't like company either." I say and realize that it sounded way too soft for my liking. Damn Natasha don't drop your guard! I scold myself. However Barton is still busy cleaning the kitchen and is obviously searching for something in the drawer. He shrugs as if he doesn't really care about my opinion and just says „gonna clean up tomorrow. You want coffee?" And with that he retrieves a cup from the very back of the drawer that is actually still clean. I just nod and make my way to the leather couch at the back. He starts the coffee machine and waits until it's finished just to pour some coffee in the cup and taking the rest with him towards the couch. When he arrives Barton hands me the cup and slumps down next to me. The couch looks old and torn but is still comfortable. While I look around the room I notice that there is no TV like I had expected but several dart boards instead (10 in total) all of them with at least three darts sticking on them. All dead centre and several laying around on the couch table. At least he can hit a target I think to myself before sipping at the hot coffee. I am pleasantly surprised that it actually is good coffee and no cheap dollar store stuff I would have expected in this garbage apartment. Well at least the couch and the caffeine is there. It's a start. I turn to Barton only to see him drink his coffee straight out of the pot. No sugar no milk. He has already finished half of it while I am still sipping lightly on the hot beverage. I smirk and an raise an eyebrow „it's eleven p.m. aren't we supposed to sleep in a few hours" He just shrugs and continues to drink his coffee „doesn't really matter for me" he says just before downing the rest of the pot. „I am going to get you some clothes„ Barton informs me and steps out of the door. I continue with my cup and examine the abandoned coffee pot. He must have had a litre at least if you take my cup out. How the hell does one drink that much coffee at night? I mean yes of course I do need coffee to stay awake sometimes but what the hell? He's weird I decide before finishing my cup and bringing it to the sink. He's far more than weird actually.
After ten minutes or so he comes back with a duffle bag and throws it in my direction. I catch it and start to examine the content. There are shirts and training shorts as well as jeans and socks. „You can change in the bathroom" he points to a door on my left and enters the room next to what I assume is the bathroom. I quickly change in to a t-shirt and gym shorts, grab my other stuff and follow him in the third room of the apartment. The clothes fit like a glove and I am wondering how he managed to get the exact size I need without asking me.
When I enter the room I see him standing there just in his dark purple shorts while taking his shirt off. Seriously who wears purple underwear? Weird like I said. I can see his muscly back which is so splattered with old and new scars that there is almost no uninjured skin left and wonder if shield is as hard as the red room. But soon I realise that many of the scars are far older than they look. He probably got them in his early teen years before he joined shield I assume. When Barton notices me standing there he points at a perfectly arranged and unused bed. It is on the opposite side of the room from the one he is standing next to. „This is yours. Didn't change a thing since I moved in so it should be good. " I nod slightly and slip under the cover. He does the same and flicks the lights out turning his back to me. „Meet you in the living room at 7 tomorrow„ he says and it sounds like an order. „Gonna show you around the base. ". Fine finally I am getting to know the place. „ Ok" I answer but he looks like he is already asleep. Creep I think to myself. I can feel my body drifting into sleep and I have the strange feeling that I am save here so I don't fight it and close my eyes.
After what I assume must have been about an hour or so I wake up at the sound of ruffling sheets but pretend to be still fast asleep. I hear Barton getting up and walking out of the door and down the hallway until he is too far away to pick up any sound. Weird I think. He must have waited until I was asleep. Very very weird. With that I close my eyes again drifting into a soft slumber. During the night I wake up a couple of times because of my nightmares but every time I check he isn't there

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