I thought for a minute. Should I take her to the Infirmary, or just let her wake up? I decided to tie Lily to a tree, for now. I walked over to Ashley by the campfire, who gave me wrist bandages to put on. Her face was streaked with tears.
"Ashley, it's alright. She's over there tied up to that tree." I said, pointing to the knocked out Lily. She went over to do something -probably check her temperature- and walked back. "Let's just sit here, until she wakes up." She suggested. I nodded and took a seat next to her beside the campfire.
We waited and waited and then finally, Lily woke up. Ashley looked up at Lily and whispered to me, "Do you think she's still crazy? Or is she normal?" Looking over to Lily was kind of funny, her hair was all messed up from the static. Well, I guess I didnt look like a prize myself, Lily was looking at me Terrified.
Ashley once again looked at Her. I walked up to her, looking at all of the blood stained leaves and on her shirt. "No. I think she's back to normal." I said, closely examining her. She bolted at me with tons of questions.
"What Happened? Are you hurt? Why is there blood on my shirt? Why are you looking at me like that? What did I do that I cannot remember?"
I narrowed my eyes. "You don't remember anything? Nothing at all? No blood, no lightning? no Im going to torture you, or keep you alive so you can watch your village burn? Don't remember that? What if I say I don't believe you?" I said, Rampaging her with questions.
"Amber, don't be too hard on her. When she passed out her core temperture was 253 degress F. I registered 250 volts going through her. Let her be." Ashley said.
Something clicked. I don't know what. But all heck broke loose after that.
"NO! While she was out "hunting" she said "Herobrine? Is Adam almost ready? SHE KNOWS WHERE HEROBRINE HAS OUR BROTHER, NOW TALK TORCHWOOD.
"I.......I.... what?" She stuttered. "I never said that. Ashley? Help?! Amber is getting loony." I looked at her very closley. She was thinking to herself. I don't know what, but I better find out soon. "I'm really sure I don't know what you mean? I think I'd know if I mentioned your brother. And You think I'm with Herobrine? He is a drak destroyer of all. nd you think Im with...Him?" she said.She could'nt fool me. I could see right through her. She was Lying. I knew it.
"I'm not buying it." I said. "Tell the truth Torchwood. NOW!"
"Um....Amber? I honestly don't know what you mean. i remember stuff I won't tell you, but the past few hours are..just...blank. There's nothing but whiteness." She told me,
"I don't care about that. I want to know about my brother and what you've done with him. You know, A fe years ago, I was in a race with Nya. Know her? Well, i saw you. Herobrine showed me. You were always there. When I went to school. When I went hunting. You were always there Lily. You are a...ghost. Why? Why would Herobrine show you unless he was warning me?" I asked.
"Why would Herobrine warn you of anything? He doesn't care about others.He told me. And as for the race? Yea, I was there.I was there to tell you all about this. About what Herobrine has planned for the three of us. We are the most powerful people in history.Apart from Herobrine. Nya ruined it and left him. You don't have to make that mistake."
All of the anger, heat , inside of me was bubblingup. She had crossed the line, talking about Nya and all.
I slapped her, HARD.
"THIS. IS. FOR. BEING. WITH. HEROBRINE!" I slapped her again.
"Do you want me to to take you to him?" She offered.
"Why? Why would you help us?"
"I'm not. Herobrine has Adam in Home Territory. You are powerless there but we can do anything. You would be at our mercy. Do you want to see your brother?"
I though about it for a minute. Then I looked at Lily and she looked like she was...Talking to her self? Anyways, Lily repeated the Question and I...Nodded.
"Good." She said. "But First, get rid of these chains. But don't worry, I wont kill you. I cut the chains away. And she Stretched.
"Now, ladies." She said. "Take my hands and hold on. We'll fly there." Once we were in the air, a black hole opened. You know, you everyday average blackhole in the sky. Totally Normal. We went through and Whiteness surrounded us. A keypad looking thing appeared out of no where. I looked over to see what the passcode was -all I could see was "Heroloves"-and a door appeared. The door said "THE MIND PALACE." We ended up in Herobrines library. He was sitting in what looked like tealish armchair, reading a book that I couldnt read the title of. He looked up. And smiled.
I heard Lily mutter something, probably meant for Herobrine to hear and not us, but I caugt it. "Herobrine, we have visitors."
Squid: You know, I really like that Herobrine guy he is-
Lily: But, U are H-
Squid: Lily! Go recover from being slapped.
Amber: *narrows eyes*