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Alex p.O.V.

I yawn getting up walking over to my walk-in closet looking around for what I could possibly wear to school, ugh! How I hate school I mean it's not like I hate learning the problem is I get all the strange faces looking at you as you walk down the hallway all of them judging you, I highly recommend not looking up when this happens.

I ended up picking faded blue jeans folded at the bottom with a plain white shirt I wasn't going to put any effort in the way I looked since its Monday
I felt Zan stir within me waking up, Zan is my other self meaning my wolf , he is wild , energetic and submission while I'm shy and quiet we are what you call ended.

"wasted" Zan cried " hello to you to buddy" brushing my hair and putting it into a braid like a thick black rope. "Alex aren't you excited for the up come full moon" Zan asked "to tell you the truth Zan i don't really care, nothing is going to happen anyways" Zan didn't reply obviously knowing that that we are going to be locked up again by dad .

Last full moon was horrible and being in heat ma it worse i felt so lost and uncomfortably in my own skin. I craved for something my mother kept me company while the rest of the pack went hunting, After my heat dad won let me out of his sight that was the day i was put under close guarded surveillance

Picking up my black socks and iphone6, taking two steps down on the stairs following the rich aroma of my mothers cooking .

"morning mother" giving her a kiss on the cheeks ,

my mother is a beautiful women with long auburn hair 5'11 with blue eyes and she's the best hugger, the best cuddler, the best chef, and the best inspiration. She has the best smile, the best laugh, When my brother Mike wanted to be a soccer player, my mom became the mini van driving soccer mom sitting on the sideline of every single game in rain or shine...snow or heat wave.

When my brother Scott found a passion for music, she became the cool mom who tolerated the amps hooked up in his room and the short-lived band that practiced in our garage. she even sign me up for dance classes, vocal lessons, and became the stage mom who dropped everything in her schedule to drive me into the city for auditions.

" morning Hun how are you feeling today?" placing a plate full of bacon ,scrambled eggs and toast in front of my chair "I've been having headache but it seems to be going down "I mumbled nibble quietly on the bacon.mother just hummed placing more plate for mike and Scot then moving on to dad's.

"Dad please don't do this to us, please dad" turning around I see Mike walking beside Dad while Scot was at the back looking like he was going to cry any moment now.

" mike stop right now I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR BULLSHIT!!!!!" his voice boomed through the whole house I felt frightened dad has never yelled at anyone before, my head lowered instantly showing off my neck in submission.I felt my heart rate quicken, my breathing, palms started sweating, little hairs standing on end and my legs are trembling with fear,

"Alex Hun breath there is nothing going to harm you its okay " mother pulled me into a hug her breast so soft suffocating me " David you better apologize right now or I swear ill rip off your balls " Dad quickly rushed over not wanting to loss his balls and apologize for yelling . Minutes later tasted salty liquid on my lips my eyes widen realizing that i was crying the whole time

"why to I have to me to weak ,different from other people,an outcast i don't belong here ." whispered pouting and wiping of my tears before anyone notice but to my luck four pairs of eyes stared at me sadness filled inside each a everyone of them . dad slowly approached me in no second i was pulled into his large frame hard chest felt so warm and calming " Baby don't say that you are beautiful kindhearted and we all love you , Alex your extraordinary and unique in you own way, " he pulled away kissing my forehead before sighing he scratched back of his Grizzled, gray hair looking up at my mother " I've invited the blood moon pack to the full moon ceremony in two days that way the unmated pack members can find their mates and we can form an alliance with the world strongest pack."

mother looked up frame me with the biggest smile I have ever seen her show she quickly got up and tackled Dads big frame to the ground peppering him with kisses" oh my gosh!!, oh my gosh!!! I get to see Maria again" I just stood there watching the lovely couple I just wish I meet someone who loves me the way father loves mother.

" come on Alex lets go before we're late i don't want Mrs.shawl giving me another detention " Scot snap me out of my thoughts just has mike came down stairs holding the car keys looked at the clock hanging by the kitchen wall and the time was 8:25 am we only have a few minutes before school starts getting my bag by the hanger I kiss my parents goodbye before following my brothers to the car.

strapping on my seat belt i put on my headphones while I brothers talk about up coming football playoffs . listening to 'perfect' by Pink let my mind drift off to where it wants slowly falling towards darkness.


hey everyone just wanted to let you know that his is my first story and i hope you like it plus ill be updating more chapters.

its okay to leave any comments or concerns you have and please be free to type out ideas of what you thing will happen in this story.

thank you so much taking for your time to read my story:)

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