Chapter 13 - Part 2

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My stomach did ecstatic cartwheels as I turned my eyes upon the chocolate ice cream sundae, a ruby-red cherry perched atop the inviting drizzle of gooey syrup. Colorful sprinkles were tauntingly scattered upon the chocolate mound of goodness.

"ALEX STOP EYE-RAPING THE DESERT!" The laughter erupted in the room I close my eyes only to see theirs, full of delight, trace of caring. My cheeks burned hot, and the sight had egged them on - my embarrassment. My stomach growled, and I shift my legs to try to silence the rumbling.


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Not Edited ~


So far the distribution of food is running smoothly,  if you don't count some altercation between the teens and some of the older pack members. So far two fights have broken through and a full blown food fight .

I sometimes question how we were able to come to the conclusion of combining these totally different age groups together.  I don't really have much energy after I finished dealing with that room, however I'll really appreciate quality time ( if any) with my mate. I know that's a tough wish since Dad has increased surveillance and not to mention that Alessandro's men patrolled each hall in the pack house.

I wonder how Xander is doing? 

Turning off the bathroom tap water, I quickly wipe my hands . Fix my hair the best that I can along with my clothes. ( friend) has helped me pick out a dark  maroon turtleneck paired up with  striped dark grey pants that highlights all the assets I have to offer. At Least that's what she said when I walked in after trying it out. To finish of the outfit,  a plain silver chain decorated with three crescent moons and  comfortable maroon flats. 

Is it okay for me to even go, the dinner started one  hours ago? I ask myself conflicted on what to do with my fingers frozen on the doorknob. Chewing on my bottom lip nervously, thoughts begin to rail in towards what Ariana said earlier.

Flashback ~

" - don't know what really happened because I was still talking with Henry but I saw Alpha Richmen storm outside. It might have to do with that  blondie , what's her face? "  Her head pops out from my walk- in- closet , laying back on the bed I sigh .clearly aware of who she’s talking about but too scared to voice it out.

" There's like a   gazillion of blond women in the pack Ariana" 

She glares " Whatever" her head disappears once again "Just go calm down your man, the amount of pheromones he released was suffocating!" 

“His nnnot my man" my face heats up. Not yet at least , I don't really see that happening anytime soon based on the reaction we received from our parents. I envie Ariana so much, she just met her mate and  already completed the mating. Xander and I on the other hand; we are setting some  seriously records.

“ You seriously have no clothes, let's get you all glammed- 

 “ I don't want to!” she walked out carrying a pile of clothes and dumped them on my face . Panicking from the sudden darkness I scream , twisting , flapping my limbs around to get free .

Flashback ends

I got this!

Hurry up and go already” zan whines 

That's all it took for me to turn the knob and hesitantly step into the long hallway. The sound of laughter and the low vibration of music being played reflect off the walls of the packhouse. A buzz of energy and harmony fill the air as I draw near the grand doors. Taking a deep breath  I give myself another minute to collect myself.

You can do this! I try to hype myself up.

 Before I can lay my hands on the towering wooden blocks,  the doors slowly pull apart . I remain rigid , awkward, and scared as their focus turns towards where I stand. It's dead silent, why did I even come here in the first place!!  Feeling overwhelmed from the attention I shuffle to the side tripping over my feet and slamming right into the door frame than heading straight towards the polished floor.

I can't believe -you-that just happened!" Zan laughs


I lay on the floor,  my face burning down in shame . I bite my lip to stop myself from sobbing but the tears spill from the pain. After a while the chaos dies down as his arms wrap gently around me and lift me up. Feeling embarrassed and worthless I curl myself closer into him and wish to have just stayed in my room like I should. Than all of this wouldn't have happened,  I wouldn't have made such a fool out of myself . Not only infront of my family and pack but also infront of Xander's pack. Now they think I am undeserving of their Alpha.

The realization leads my heart to clench in pain.

" Don't cry baby"

I am sorry " my voice cracks at the end. I resist the urge to lift my head as people start to ask if am okay. Mother bulldoze her way through the crowd,  her eyes piercing right through me.

She grabs my throbbing face , her slender fingers caresse carefully the bruise " Alexandero , my poor baby" she mumbles sadly.  To hear her voice brings me to more tears  but Xander steps back

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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