chapter 8

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what Marsha is wearing^


"Nope I haven't seen him all day" Martha and Maria continued to chat as my eyes narrowed in on Alessandro "what?" he mouths the comer of his mouth twitching I knew he was hiding something.

"Where is my son!!" I snarled baring my canine to show him that I right know am not in the mood to be shitted with. There was absolute stillness not a sound could be heard either close at hand or in the far-off distance. Even my own breath seemed to die as soon as it left my mouth I glared at the man who I've knowing for over 20 years my anger was slowly building up as the silence continues.

Then hurried footsteps and the squeak of a door brought my heart racing as fast "Sir we have located Mr.Richman!!"



Alex sat in the passenger seat snuggled into the soft leather around him he could fill the power of the engine as they passed over grown vegetation at ninety miles per hour the engine was only idling this was a car that sneered at speed limits. Gazing straight ahead fearing the consequences for their actions unaware of them being followed but the quiet young Alpha has already sense their presence way back when they passed the boarder line. He kept quiet not wanting to scare the little omega who was only half aware of the world outside, the widows were tinted black with a one-way glass.



"What type of job do you do?" Alex asked in a small voice wanting to break the silent

"will am more of a business man"

"business man??"

"yeah I have three different companies, running them separately has taken a troll on me so I decided to join them together, bought a couple of acres a few years ago and proceed to build an official head quarter and from there on I placed my brother as manager for the clothing industry (modeling, fashion designing, sewing, stores)" I snickered "my sister helps with the financial department while I overlook everything and meeting with other business owners, I do the paper work plus packwork''

"that's amazing, your life seems packed"

"Yeah I guess you can say that but I've become used to this and developed a routine."

"Do you live in the pack house?" he asked playing with his hair

"No, I've got my own home, incase I find my mate" I looked down towards him then back towards the road.

"Any luck in finding them?" he teased I take my eyes off the road to look at him, a pink rosy colour covered his cheeks as he fidgeted with his fingers. Small strands of hair fanning his face and those grey orbs staring at me for a second I was captivated by them.

"Xander?" he breathed his head tilted to the side as his eyes sparked with confusion "is there something on my face?" I watch him pull out his phone looking at his face through the blacken screen. Sighing In relieve he puts back his phone.

"your so mean" he mumbled I chuckled turning back to driving in the back of my head I knew we were being watched. Alpha Black is a serious man and things that concern Alex his always there no matter what, I just hope that his brothers are not the same but Mike that little piece of shit knows how to push my buttons. Weaving dangerously in and out of traffic, half blinded by glare of headlights, I watch the sun fall behind the horizon, painting the sky shades of red and pink, his eyes are steady to the horizon, face aglow with the last orange rays before twilight beckons the stars. His lips bear the semblance of a smile, just enough to show that he is enjoying his thoughts, whatever they may be. I moves closer so that he feels my presence, yet stays quiet, allowing him to stay lost in the moment a while longer

Alpha RichmanWhere stories live. Discover now