Chapter 12

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" Yes, Gonzalo- but there's a risk if he were to have a litter. Most people die after birth or lose their pups altogether if a mother were to lose their pups right after birth some go through deep depression and other might isolate themselves away from the pack. David is worried-"

" Alessandro p-" Father edge close towards Alpha Black his face hard to read.

"So what I'm I supposed to do ?" I asked confused. I staggered unsteadily off the chair and stared at my feet.

"I need you to leave" his lips screwed into irritation.

" leave!" who the fuck does he think he is, I'm not leaving this place without my mate.

" Yes"

" David surely you don-"

" Alessandro I don't want history to repeat itself"

" Things have CHANGED DAVID!"

" You don't know that Alessandro, she cou-"




He turned to face me there was no trace of tears, not in his eyes or in track marks on his reddening face. His eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. Alpha Black stood there a few minutes then left the room before I could get the chance to ask him any questions. I turned to my father who too stared at the door I drew in a deep breath, the burning hard stare soon disappeared into a neutral expression.

"Papa we need to talk "

"I can't son we can talk later "

"what's going on"

"Please Xander I need you to get downstairs and be ready, I'll talk to you later" I was left in the room in the. Something bad was going to happen this feeling is too close, I can feel it, I can feel Alex. I can feel the overwhelmed electricity running throughout my veins and I rushed out of the door and down the long hallways, straight to the door the holds his scent. Should I knock?

I slammed the door open and scan the empty room for anything out of place the room has a color theme of white and green

"where could he be" Quinn asked I ignored him as my ears picked up rushing of water, "that must be Alex" he exclaimed. I follow the sound to a double door that led to a small hallway, on the right was a closet filled with jackets shoes all color coded, his so organize.

"Unlike someone I know"- Quinn chuckled

"I lack time for cleaning, I have more important things to do!" I turned to the right and there was a white door with steam coming, little muffled of cries can be heard.

"Alex are you okay in there" the cries came to a halt as well as the rushing water. I heard shuffling before I loud sound echo through the little hallway, my eyes widen. Everything took a pause before I heard a loud intake. Pounding against the door and demanding to be let in, I backed a few steps away from the door and made a run for it, my left shoulder can in connect with the hard wood slamming the door open, I just stood, my heart raced at tremendous speeds, and my lungs shallowly rose and fell in time.

I stood there for what felt like an eternity but was only five minutes. Alex squirmed in the fugitive manner away from me, he sat on the floor intertwining the angles tightly his hands sat on his lap covering up his privates, his eyes were as wide as if someone was coming to deliver the fatal blow. His eyes shift to the side and glazed with layers of tears. He blinked the tears roll down his cheeks, bite his lower lip trying to block out any sounds. My heart dropped by the site in front of me

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