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Main Characters:

Dhanie Z. C as Dhaniella Nickel Tan Amarticio

Andilyn S as Ashaia Shayne Andrade.

Yohio as Kyle Drew Aquino Amaro

Troy as Angelo Troy Sy

Minor Characters:??? Let's see.:p

Kris Wu as Dale Nathanielle Tan Amarticio

Kim Myungsoo as Dhanielle Nicker Tan Amarticio (Dhaniella's older brothers)

Hwuang Zi Tao as Dheimian Tao Tan

Mary Sunday as Dheianara Taiomi Tan. (Tao &Taiomi are Dhaniella,Dale at Nick's cousin)

Sandara Park as Kaylee Dee A. Amaro. ( Kyle Drew's elder sister)

Park Chanyeol as Kyrie Ashiel Andrade (Ashaia's & Blaze cousin)

Byun Baekhyun as Blaze Shawn Andrade. (Ashaia's elder brother)

Geezelle as Suiren Yamamoto Escudero

Ahn Jaehyun as Jaehyun Ahn Escudero (Suiren's elder brother)

The Tomouka/Santillian Twins (Troy's cousin)

Bhabie S as Ayame Mielle Tomouka Santillian

Johanna M as Ayumi Miella Tomouka Santillian

Mark of got7 as Prince Sky Montemayor (Bestfriend ni Troy & a Playboy)

Oh Sehun as Mikee Toshiro Oh (Tao's Bestfriend)

Diane Z as Deanna Thea Salazar

So they are the characters hope you'll not get confused. The real names up there of the main characters are just the name someone who's close to me though. That's why I could relate in this story haha hope you'll like it though. Shemay english haha

The name's is strictly constructed in my own idea so hope you dont't mind and ask for permission to the author if you want to lend the name ;) i'm not bad naman eh hihihi.

I just changes a bit Drew as Lee Jaeshin because I really like him wahhhh >\\\<...

So please vote and be a fan. Votes and Comment ls is the most appreciated. Thanks well then enjoy. :)

Date started:December 21,2013

Date finished: -- -- --


Unforeseenly Complicated LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon