It's Over

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Chichi just staring at Goku like he was crazy. First he screams at her then he kisses her saying it's over. "Goku what do you mean it's over?" She asked with a confused look on her face."I mean I want a divorce, I'm so sorry Chichi but the spark we had is gone". He said calmly. Chichi was frozen she had no words to say just tears to shed."I'm real sorry Chichi", he turned and started walking towards the door "You can keep everything I don't need it now goodbye", he left and he said Goten throwing rocks and he walked up to him and hugged him ever so tight. "Goten, daddy's gonna leave for awhile but he'll come and visit you when he can", He when kissed Goten on the head and flew off with no more words to say.

               ( Capsule Corp)
He finally got back to Capsule Corp. and he walked inside with his head down. "Vegeta?" Bulma asked. The mighty prince let out a sigh and replied, "Yes?". "Oh Vegeta", She ran to him and gave him a big hug," I was worried sick". She then kissed him softy on his lips. Vegeta didn't say much after that. He just sat in their couch and watched T.V when there was a knock on the door. He got up, opened the door to see Goku standing there with his head. " I broke up with her, because the spark we had is just gone" Goku didn't really show any emotions. Vegeta looked at him like he was crazy and then said, "We need to talk".

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