✖ C H A P T E R 3 ✖

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I finally arrived at Japan after hours sitting at the plane. My back is hurting so much right now. After this, I have to face a sea of humans. I sighed and grabbed my language and walked down the stairs that leads to the airport.

2 men with muscular body's came by my side and began to shield me away from flashes of camera and hands that are like zombies trying to eat me. I tried to walk fast but failed as the crowd was pushing me too much.

I tried to walk but still failed. I peeked through th crowd and found flashes of red. Watching me. I shivered.

I stopped dead in my tracks. Time seemed to stop as I saw those red orbs that opened the wound in me. Tears were trying to break out.

But I was put back in track when Jee Ho pulls me away from the crowd. I looked back, trying to find those red orbs owner but failed to do so.

Jee Ho finally lets go of my hands and I panted. "Those fans are getting crazier by seconds!" He said with a frustrated tone. I chuckled and began to walk to the arrival section.

Is that him?

"Thanks for all of your hard works Everyone! Let's make this concert a success!" Mikan said and smiled at the crews. They all smiled back and shouted "Yes!"

Jee Ho gives Mikan her towel and water for her to drink. "Your free this evening. Go ahead and do whatever you want. Just not try to attract to much attentions. Wear a disguise if you walk outside alright?" Jee Ho warned.

Mikan grinned sheepishly and nodded. She skips away and wears her black mask and hat. She grabbed her bag and began to walk away.

I got all I need when I-



"Hotaru!! I missed you!" Mikan replied happily while smiling stupidly but was covered with her mask.

"Meet me at the usual cafe we went to. Now"  Her best friend said in a monotone voice. Mikan knows inside, Hotaru was excited to finally meet her after years.

"Alright!! See you there" Mikan ended her call and began to walk towards the usual cafe she went to with her friends here. She puts on her headphone and listened to her new song.

She opens the door and a bell rang. There wasn't much of a change. The paintings were still there, The tables and chairs were still the same, Almost all of it is the same. Except for one. The People.

The Cashier changed. The maids changed. The usual customers aren't there. She missed them. She began to walk towards her usual spot.

She found a short raven haired girl sitting with her backing her. Her heartbeat began to race. She finally meets with Hotaru after all those times.

She taps the ravenette's shoulders. Her heart is about to explode right now. The ravenette looks up and Hazel Orbs meet Amethyst ones. Mikan can't contain the tears that are threatening to fall at that very second.

"I missed you!!" Mikan hugs her best-friend while Hotaru stayed silent. Fighting to restrain the tears she's been holding. She missed her hugs. Her warm aura. She missed all of it.

Hotaru hugs her back and lets out a single tear. They stayed with in their position for 5 minutes and finally lets go each other.

Mikan sits down and began to lets all of those questions she's been holding in out. How has she been? Has something great happened? How are their friends been doing? What have they been doing?

When they were talking, Mikan looked outside for a while and found those same red eyes staring at her again. The same eyes at the airport.


"Hm?" She answered while eating her crab meat. "Is that.. Natsume?" I asked while still looking at the same direction. "Where?" She looked at the same direction I'm seeing.

"No. Where's Hyuuga?"

I looked at the direction but no one was there. What the hell?

"You must've been imagining stuffs" She coldly says and began to eat her crab meats again.

That's weird..

Tadaa!! I updated people!!  I'm super duper sorry for not updating this for a long time;;
I'm trying to finish Perfect first but have no inspirations..

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