✖ C H A P T E R 10 ✖

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The crowd was in silence. Nobody dared to interrupt. They , no the world wanted her to keep going as they are curious about the ending. ".. These past few months were amazing for me. I found out that love is an incredible feeling. It makes you feel like you can do anything! Love isn't all about the hurts and falls ,  it's about the emotions and feels that makes you go .. insane! I love him so much. But I know that there will be many of you will reject us , hate us , and make us part. Now , I have to choose to let him go or let the world go.."

"I know the consequences of my choice. But I know that every choice I take  , you guys only want what's best for me. I've decided to stay as a singer."  The crowd was in an uproar. Questions were everywhere. Many sighed in relieve while one particular person felt his heart broke into million pieces. He knew this was coming. He deserves it. He was about to turn off the TV when suddenly a voice said "Please wait a minute. I'm not done"

Every eyes are on her. "I will stay as a singer for two years. After that , I will retire and return to my private life.. with him." The thought of her and Natsume together again made her smile. On the other hand , Natsume who heard this felt like he could jump so high in the sky. His heart felt like bursting. "I'm sorry for being selfish. I'm sorry if you don't accept my decision." Mikan stood up and bowed down. The people who saw this felt sad and supported her. Fans kept on writing messeges like "Don't worry Mikan! We will support you!"  " It's okay to be selfish! Don't worry about us" " We only want what's best for you" " We will always love you , Season!"

The press conference was finally over. The news was everywhere. Twitter , Facebook , Instagram , literally everywhere. It was a trending topic in Twitter. People were having arguments about the news. Some said that she was selfish and only thinks of herself while others think that she is a human and she wants to have some privacy. Our brunette decided not to open any of her social media apps because she knew she will get some hate comments and haters will be everywhere.

Later on , after the press conference was over Natsume comes to her hotel room to check on her condition and what he saw was heartbreaking. Mikan was at the corner of her room , curled into a ball. The room was dark and there was barely any light. He walks towards the girl and heard sobs coming from her. He crouched down to the same level as her and hugs her. "It's okay Mikan.. You did good. Ignore the haters. It will be fine. It's okay to be selfish for once." He draws circles on her back to soothe her down and it worked. Soon enough , she was smiling again and hugs him back. "Thank you for not giving up on me Natsume.."

Days after , the news cooled down. Her tour kept on going. Her concert in Japan is over and she must return to America. Tomorrow she must fly back to America and face her agency. "I'm sorry Natsume. I can't stay any longer. I must return to America tomorrow" She said to her boyfriend. "It's okay."  He gently caresses her cheeks with both hands at both sides. Mikan grabs his left hand and leans into his touch. 

"Alright you lovebirds, let's hurry up and get ready. We're going to the beach. We're staying at Natsume's penthouse." Natsume planned this all out for Mikan. He smirks as he watches Hotaru barges in and grabs Mikan's wrist. She pulls her away from Natsume. "What? HOTARU! WHERE ARE WE GOING!" Mikan yells while she was being dragged around by Hotaru. Hotaru throws her into a shop and told her to buy anything she wants to bring to the beach. Mikan who was hesitant at first decides to buy some swimsuits, thin clothes, etc.

Hotaru pays the cashier and they return to Natsume's place to see that everyone were there. "Let's go!!" Koko yells and grabs Mikan's stuff and push it inside the Van's trunk. The group decided to use Anna's Van. On the way , Mikan kept on telling stories and pranking the others (especially Sumire). "We're here" Ruka announces. The gang opens the door and was greeted with the wind. They put their stuffs inside their rooms.

They wear their swimsuits and went out to play at the beach. The beach belongs to Natsume since he is actually the CEO of a famous brand. Hotaru hides behind her umbrella and reads her book. She didn't want to have sunburn. Mikan and the others were playing volleyball , building sand castles , hitting the watermelon. It was amazing. At the end of the day , they have a campfire on the beach. They tell jokes and tell spooky stories until finally the fire went out and they slept.

The next day , they tidy up the penthouse and gets on the Van. They went straight towards the airport. When they got there , Jae-Ho and Suzy are there and waiting for them. There were also fans waiting inside to say goodbye to her.  Mikan turns around and faces her friends. "I guess this is where we part"

Her friends hugs her one by one , telling her to keep in contact with them. Mikan felt her tears slowly coming out. The last one was Natsume. Mikan smiles and hugs him. " I already missed you" Natsume chuckles. Mikan laughs at his joke. He wipes her tears away and kissed her on the lips. They didn't care if everyone were staring at her. They were going to have to bare not seeing each other for two years! The thought of it was already enough to make them sad.

"Don't forget to call me everyday. Don't you ever cheat on me. Don't accept any movies or dramas that involves kissing with another boy , Do-" " I know Natsume. I won't do it." Mikan laughs at his rules. "What about your relationship with Ryuuga?"  Natsume asks.

"Since I'm dating you , My family cancels the engagement." Mikan answers with a smile on her face. She was glad she didn't have to keep up with Ryuuga. He was a mess and a total disaster for her.

"Calling all pessengers.."

"Alright then, that's my cue. See you soon guys! Take care!"

She runs to Jae-Ho and Suzy. They finally went inside the boarding section. Natsume watches her back slowly and slowly fade away from his sight.

"We'll meet again Mikan"

To Be Continued

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