✖ C H A P T E R 4 ✖

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Mikan was busy sipping her Ice Lemon Tea while Hotaru tells her what she missed those years she had been gone. She missed a lot. She knew. She wanted to cry , hearing all those stories. She wanted to come back like she used to before , having fun , a normal life with everyone. No hates , No danger , No bad things.

But she can't just go away. She can't just quit her world that she has been working hard to get to. She loved her fans , She loved those people who worked hard for her . She can't let them down. Especially her family. They were her source of happiness and strength.

She heard the sound of bell ringing and looked at the door and found the person she never thought would be seeing. There was a stinging pain at her chest area. Her eyes widened. The person faced her way and looked at her with those crimson orbs that could suck her down to a deep abyss.

"I suppose he's here already."

Hotaru said calmly and stands up. She walked over to the person and holds his shoulder. Mikan watches her with both curiosity and fear. "You may know him , Natsume Hyuuga"

"Mikan? Are you okay?" Jee Ho asked. Mikan jumped a little but smiled a fake smile. She couldn't forget about yesterday. She tried different ways to forget it but nothing succeeded.

After the confrontation with him, she frozed. Time seemed to have stop between the two. His red orbs examining every bit of her physical appearance. While she also did the same. Wondering what has changed with the other partner.

He was still the same, same poker face, same red eyes,  his body seemed to have developed greatly. His height was increased as well. Although not so much. If she would stand by his side, she would probably reach his shoulders.

The trance was finally broken by Hotaru who was getting annoyed with the two were ogling at each others appearance. Although her plans were almost leaked,  she managed to cover it up.

"Mikan.." He finally says her name. It send shivers through her spine when he said it.  She hasn't heard it for years! Although part of her hates him to death, part of her still loves him all those years.

But before she could say anything, Her brain told her to not forgive him. Reminding her of the painful times she had in the past. The fact that he had cheated on her. Sending her back to her previous state, where she hated him.

She glared at him and stood up abruptly. "I'm leaving" She said and rushed out.  But before she passed him, he grabbed her wrist. Restraining her from leaving.

"Mikan, please listen to me first. I-"

"What? I have seen it very clearly. You don't need to explain anything to me. I understood you fell for another girl. But at least break up with your girlfriend first. Jerk" She said coldly and snatched her hands away from his grab.

She quickly rushed out of the cafe,  leaving behind the Shocked Natsume and sighing Hotaru.

"Mikan, You're up. Hurry and get ready at the backstage" Jee Ho said while talking with the crew. She nodded and quickly walked away.

She was given her Mike while the crowd was chanting her name. She slowly walked up the stage with a smile plastered at her face. She waves and goes to the front of the stage to greet her fans.

"Hi Everyone!!"

She started to interact with her fans and singing together with them.

The brunette gave her all. Sweats falling down her soft cheeks while she enjoys the feeling. For an idol, being on stage with fans, cheering for you was a heavenly like feeling. It was their dream, their motto, their goal to make people happy with their voice.

Mikan also has that ambition. She has that one rare thing most people don't have these days. Never give up.

She would achieve her goals, even if she fails, she would learn from her mistakes and try again and again until she reaches her goal. But after she achieved her goals, she is not pleased with the result and settle down,she will achieve higher and higher until she can't reach anymore.

That is what makes Mikan shine.

On the very middle of the crowd, Natsume was there, looking at his once true love, sang with joy and strength. She was still the same. She didn't change. Always the bright one.

He regrets all of it. Ever since Mikan left him, He was alone. The teenage boy broke up with Nobara who was more than willing to. The blue haired girl regretted the fact that she dated another girl's guy. She didn't know anything.

The raven haired latter blamed himself for those moments. He didn't know what he was thinking. It was unclear.

But what he was sure of is that

He will definitely get her back.

Happy New Year Guys!!!! 🎉😂😘😘💕
Tysm for all of you!  You guys supported me and played a huge role in my life as a writer! Ily guys sm ❤❤ i'll try to publish more chapters more often for u guys ~~

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