Chap 6:

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2 weeks later
Today morning I woke with this huge headache, so I decided to stay home. Someone is definitely going to get mad at me again. He decided that from now on , my threats don't got shit in him. But I still try to black mail him every time I see him. I think I have him on lock TBH , he does everything I want him to. I decided to go to the mall to get my nails done , Rika Was joining later . I got up and got ready . Called an uber and he drove me there.

Yes I'm here for Ms Maraj appointment? " I asked the receptionist at the desk and she nodded leading me into the room. Later on my mom joined me too.

So how long does he have off ?!?

Umm.. I think 2/3?!! I'm sure they are looking for a substitute teacher.

And how did he hurt his leg? ?

I got no idea , they didn't tell us!!! " I said closing my eyes hoping she doesn't ask more questions. I'm sitting here telling her class is cancel cause Mr Williams is sick , yet I'm just skipping . She finds out I'm dead. The lady started doing my nails as I scrolled thru my phone with my other hand.

Rika won't be able to make it " I told my mom as I kept texting . She nodded sipping on her drink.
Few hours passed by , and we were done.

Wanna get going ? " my mom said and I nodded. We payed then took out bags and left. We were walking to the food court that's When MY mom bumped into This guy. Shit. Mr Williams . I said under my breath. FUCK.

Oh I'm sorry sir , I didn't see you there" my mom said .

Noo i am - Onik- ? " he said and Our eyes locked and I motioned him not to say any word.

Oh you two know each other?! " my mom asked me my heart dropped.

Oh! Umm yeh .. mom um this is Mr Williams , my - my um teacher . Mr Williams this is Carol my mom " I said introducing them , she put her hand out for shaking. And they shook hands.

MEEK!!! YOU coming ?!? " We heard THIS girl yelled from distance and we all turned around. Meek?! I mumbled to myself ...

Give me a second " he said in her direction.

Right!! I'm sorry Ms Maraj ..

Don't worry bout it , Mr Williams ? How is your leg doing ?!? " I did weird ass faces hoping he knows what I'm talking bout . But he seemed lost himself

Uh! My leg ?!?! " I kept on doing weird faces And waving until he got.

Yeah! Onika told me that you've been off for a few days now , because of your accident ?!

Ohh!! Yeah , yeah , no it's much better now ... I should be back soon. Thank you for asking " he said and I nodded quickly . I sighted in relieve

See , told you he wasn't feeling well , Ill see you in class when you get better... Now mom we gotta run " h
What I said quickly rushing my mom . He looked at me weirdly walking away too..

That was close " I whispered under my Breath , I turned around and he was gone.

What do you want to do for Thanksgiving?!?

I thought dad and Caiha were coming down here.

I dunno bout your father but Caiha is.

I'll call him and see what he planned " MY mom nodded as we sat in the car driving off.
Next Morning.

When I divided the groups I expect to see more Work... You guys are not putting effort in this class. So! From now on I will be giving out after school detentions and Calling out parents. I will not be doing favours. I hope  everybody get this.

Loud and Clear "another student said and the class giggled .

Right! I will be walking around and seeing how far you guys have done in the projects. Any question don't hesitate " we all gathered in our usual groups and started working as he walked around.

Meek uh?? " I Said as I sat on his desk after school . He smirked

For you it's my Mr Williams , What do you want Onika ?!?lying to ur mom just so u can stay home ?!

That's none of your business Williams

Well then I'd suggest you don't lie with my name .

Why am I failing this class ?!

Oh you must've not heard ... I won't be doing any favours ... you want to pass this class work for it ..

What happened to our deal ?!?

We never had a deal Onika . It was YOU And your manipulative plans to pass this class...

I will report you to-

Yeah go ahead , report for sexual corruption between a teacher and a student ... why not

Mr Williams I swear if I fail r-

Are you threatening me ?!?

All I'm sayin is I better not fail this class " I said angrily taking my stuff and leaving his class... this bastard got sum balls failing me . He don't know what's coming his way...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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