Troll cave

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Chapter 5

Angela's POV

I woke up in a sack surprisingly weapons still on me in the sack. I had a terrible headache and my ankle was numb. I slowly took in my surroundings half of the dwarves were tied up on a spit rotating over a fire. I groaned. "Your awake thank Durin your okay" Kili exclaimed causing me too blush.

"Burden" Thorin mumbled I was about to snap at him when I realized they would get suspicious if they knew I had elven hearing. I saw it was slowly turning to dawn we had to gamble for time. I kicked Bilbo and nodded towards the sky. He seemed to understand and hopped up.

"Wait wait your making a huge mistake" he yelled.

"You can't reason with them their half wits" Dwalin yelled

"What does that make us?" Bofur asked.

"No I mean with the seasoning" Bilbo started. I closed my eyes and I started mind messaging Gandalf. My eyes rolled back again as I searched for Gandalf mind. When I found it I concentrated hard my head felt like their was a knife in it.

I managed to say then I blacked out again. When I next woke the trolls were turned to stone one had a green hand it was the one I stabbed with my poison knife. I felt someone pick me up

"What happened" I mumbled.

"Well Gandalf came and saved us after you kicked Bilbo and got him to bargain for time hero" Kili smiled down at me.

"Oh good" I groaned and held my head.

"Angela are you okay" Gandalf ran over.

"Yes I'm good ill be fine" I nodded.

I'm proud of you they told me how you saved Thorin when that troll was about to grab him. You also got Bilbo to bargain for time and you called to me even though you had hit you head very hard.

I felt Gandalf mind message me. I nodded weakly. "Set me down please" I asked Kili.

"Are you sure?" he asked I nodded. He set me down gently I managed one step before I fell to te ground screaming.

"My ankle it's broken" I clutched it wincing. I glanced at Gandalf and half nodded.

Distract them ill heal myself

I messaged Gandalf he nodded.

"Gather your things at the shack I'll help Angela" Gandalf told all the dwarves.

"I want to help her" Kili said stubbornly.

"No you should go"

"I want to help her" Kili stood his ground.

"Fine but we haven't much time Angela" Gandalf nodded. I clutched my ankle and began chanting in elvish my hands glowed and the bones reformed.

"How can you do that" Kili shouted.

"Shhh you mustn't tell the others she is 3/4 elf" Ganhalf silenced Kili.

"Is it true" I nodded weakly.

"Why didn't you tell us" Kili looked hurt.

"I told her not to I knew Thorin wouldn't accept help from anyone of elven blood even if she is 1/4 dwarf." Gandhalf explained.

"Are you immortal?" I shook my head no.

Kili just hugged me "I won't tell" he whispered.

"Thank you so much" I hugged him back.

Kili then picked me up "they will suspect so I will carry you" he explained. I nodded "So what can you do" he asked.

"I can read emotions, read minds, mind message, heal, and I have elven sight and hearing" I explained. The other dwarves ran up to us and we began looking around for a troll cave.

"I think I can walk now" I whispered to Kili. He let me down and I fake limped into the cave. I held gagged at the smell "awful smell." I looked around and something caught my eye. I limped over and found a small dagger with a hilt shaped like a tiara. I picked it up and twisted my braid into a bun. I put the tiara knife into the bun to hold it a clever way to hide a dagger. I took the other knife out of my hair and strapped it to my thigh. I limped out following Kili who had a mischievous aura around him. I forced myself not to read his emotions our his mind that would be an invasion of privacy.

"Cool tiara pin" he commented.

"Thanks" I smiled. I looked over at Thorin he was holding an elven blade.

"Did you make him take it" I whispered to Gandalf he nodded.

"Something's coming" I yelled we all took battle positions.

"Friend or foe?" Gandalf whispered. I concentrated hard looking with my eleven sight to read the coming things emotions.

"Crazy, frantic, terrified, and friend" I whispered.

I strained my sight "Radagast but don't say they will get suspicious" I whispered he nodded.

Then Radagast came riding into view "Gandalf a sickness has fallen over the Greenwood something's wrong terribly wrong." Radagast yelled frantic. Gandhalf pulled him away to speak alone and I didn't eavesdrop. But a sudden darkness looked over and then a howl pierced the air.

"Was that a wolf?" Bilbo looked terrified.

"Not a wolf no" I whispered then a wart came barreling through the trees. I quickly pulled one of my daggers of my back and stabbed it in the head.

Gandalf ran in "who did you tell of your quest. beyond your kin" Gandalf yelled.

"No one" Thorin growled.

"Who did you tell!!!"

"no one I swear, what in during name is going on" Thorin shouted.

"You are being hunted."

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