Goblin Town

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I was terrified the memories of my families death came rushing back. Even though I still have my dad and my adoptive father was the one who died down here it crushes me. See my real dad had a short fling with my mom using her for his own pleasure. I always loved my adoptive father way more than my real one and I guess Ginder is only my half brother but he is way better than my other family. My thoughts are fleeting I'm under a lot of distress. My head is killing me the memories are flashing through my head I'm feeling the pain again the pain of torture. Everything seems distant my mission is blurring. I'm going delirious. "Gindor Mary David Ginder Mary David" I muttered over and over. I felt my eyes roll back and I slipped in and out of consciousness. I suddenly realized blood dripping from my forehead I guess I bumped my head on the way down.

"Angela Angela are you okay" some one asked me but they sounded fuzzy. I was still mumbling the names of my family. I wasn't even trying to come to I wanted to stay in this dream state forever it was strangely peaceful yet terrifying.

I felt myself being jostled and thrown. I felt some one grab me and hold me close as if they where trying to hide me. I wonder who it was and why they where. Then I thought it must have been Kili he was the only one who knew about my past here. "Angela snap out of it please come back to me" some one begged. But then I was viciously ripped from the person's grasp and thrown on the floor. I smacked my head and was ripped from my dream state. Then I was searched and my weapons cast aside along with everyone else's. I looked around frantic and found myself sprawled on the floor in front of yours truly the goblin king. He was disgusting and fat. I wanted to puke but I was too terrified.

"What are 13 dwarves a hobbit and a filthy elf breeded mistake who is also a prisoner who gave me this" the goblin king pointed to the hole on his face where an eye should be.

"Elf your are an elf" Thorin shouted furious.

"Oh yes this little brat is part elf actually more like all elf" the goblin king grabbed me by the hair. "Look at her little ears" the goblin king yanked my hair revealing my ears and poked them causing me to involuntary shiver.

"Put me down filth or ill gouge out your other eye" I spat in his face.

"Your going to regret that but first what are all of you doing in the mountains" the goblins king asked.

"Its none of your business" Thorin said.

"Well if you won't tell me I guess your little elf scum friend will have to pay" the goblin king spat and threw me against a wall. I felt a rib break and screamed. Then the goblin king started singing and twirling as they brought up a bunch of torture machines. I gulped I knew Thorin would say anything to save me. I was roughly picked up and dragged up the first torture machine. My wrists and legs were strapped and pulled. They kept pulling and stretching me. It was getting painful then I heard a sickening pop and screamed bloody murder my right arm was dislocated. Followed by another pop there goes my right knee. I was screaming bloody murder but the pain wasn't stopping and it probably wasn't going to.

"STOP" Thorin shouted and the pain stopped.

"I'm Thorin Oakenshield and we are traveling to Erebor that's why we where on this mountain" Thorin yelled coming forward.

"Hmm going to take back the mountain are we going to kill a dragon well imagine a Dragon goblin burn would look really good on your pretty little neck elf scum. You I know some one who would pay quite a price for your head." As the goblin king was talking the goblins prepared a dragon shaped iron and put it in a fire hearing it up I gulped goblin burns are also permanent. "An old enemy the pale orc astride the white warg" the goblin king said.

"He is long dead I killed him long ago" Thorin spat.

"Oh so you think his defiling days are over no send word to the pale orc tell him I have his prize" the goblin king told a little messenger. Then the goblins raised the dragon iron to my neck and I screamed as it burned away the neck in my skin. I screamed so loud then my scream got louder and louder till it sounded almost like a nazgul scream. Everyone held their ears as I screamed some how there was power in my scream. Then a white light launched the goblins back just as I stopped screaming. 

"Take up arms FIGHT" Gandalf yelled. I smiled Gandalf always comes in the nick of time. Kili ran up and handed me my weapons and cut me loose. I couldn't walk though my knee was dislocated.

"Leave her" Thorin shouted.

"Thorin hold your tongue some one carry her" Gandalf shouted. Kili nodded and picked me up.

"Kili pop my arm back into place quick please" I asked Kili he nodded and popped it back. I helped in pain but brushed it off grabbing my knives and killing ant goblin that came near. But I the pain was catching up and I started slipping in and out of consciousness.

"Angela stay awake okay stay awake we are almost there don't close your eyes Angela hang on please" Kili begged I faintly nodded. We were still running but then we stopped because a big fat goblin king blocked our path. I .mustered my strength and in Kilis arms I notched my bow and shot him straight in the only eye he had left. Then I fell unconscious.

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