Out of the frying pan and in to the fire

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When I regained consciousness I was laying on a rock and some one was  popping my knee pack into place. I screamed "what a wonderful way to wake up" gritted my teeth.

"A warning might be nice next time" I sighed and grabbed my numb arm. I popped it back into place causing another scream of pain. I looked around Kili was the one who popped my leg back into place and everyone else had confused looks on their faces. "Hey guys yeah I'm 3/4 elf sorry I didnt tell you but uh you never asked" I said awkwardly. I pulled my emergency brush from my quiver and brushed my hair fishtailing it to the side so my ears were showing.

"Why did you lie you (a bunch of dwarvish insults)" Thorin spat and everyone gasped. That stung real bad. Bilbo looked sympathetic wait he came back ill ask him about that later but now.

"You little (a bunch of really mean elvish swears)" I spat and stood up.

"I'm going to take that as insult" Thorin growled.

"Oh it is much much worse than a normal insult" I hissed clenching my fists. He was about to say something when a howl pierced the air.

"Out of the frying pan" Gandalf began.

"And into the fire RUN" Thorin yelled. I ran with them but we reached a dead end or cliff.

"Climb the trees" Gandalf shouted. Everyone climbed three trees but I climbed a different one a little further from the cliff edge. That's when I saw them the orcs and wargs striding up like they owned the world.

"Do you smell it the fear I remember your father reeked of it" Azog grinned. Thorin looked shocked then angry. I pulled out an arrow and notched my bow. I aimed it carefully then shot the orc closest to me. Instant kill the warg went crazy without its rider so I shot it down to. The orcs looked around but I carefully hid in the leaves. I shot another orc and it's warg down amused at their fright. Then Azog spotted me. "Kill them but leave those 2 for me" Azog shouted pointing at me and Thorin.

"Well there goes the stealth idea" I muttered. The wargs ran at the trees and knocked 2 of them down I had crawled on to 1 of the collapsing trees and jumped onto the last tree on the cliff edge. But I fell short I was about to fall but Kili grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "Thanks" I smiled as he pulled me up to sit next to him.

"Anything for you" Kili grinned I blushed. I was going to pull out another arrow but my quiver was empty.

"Dangit" I whispered. Then I remembered I enchanted my quiver so that the arrows would return to me when I said a simple word. "Return" I whispered in elvish the my quiver suddenly filled up. I quickly shot down to more orcs. But while I was shooting another one orc got smart and shot me in the arm. I screamed dropping my bow clutching my arm luckily it didn't go through just grazed but it was poisoned I could tell.

Kili grabbed my arm "are you okay" he asked. I nodded nimbly

"I won't be in about 5 minutes though it was poisoned" I grumbled. Kilis eye filled with fear, rage, concern, and something else I stopped reading his emotions it sucked my energy. The wargs came growling and started knocking down the last tree we where all on. But Gandalf using his magic caught a pine cone on fire he started tossing then down to everyone and we all threw them at the wargs. We successfully made a fire wall in between us and the orcs when out tree fell. It didn't fall off the cliff luckily because it's roots kept it from falling so right now we are dangling over a thing drop about 23 seconds away from death. I hung on with one arm my other gushing blood. I was hanging on with my burned arm so yeah I'm in a ton of pain right now.

"Hang on Angela hang on please I can't lose you" Kili begged and reassured.

"I won't let go I promise I have so much I have to get done before I die" I was crying now the pain was taking me over and the poison was blurring my vision. Luckily the arrow just grazed me so there wasn't much poison and I most likely won't bleed out. I then through hazy vision saw Thorin holding a tree branch and his sword striding up to the pale orc. I didn't catch all of the battle but I did see Thorin get chewed up by the white warg and how he was to seed limply onto a rock. I watched in horror as an orc walked up to him just when he was about to cut his head off Bilbo tackled the orc and stabbed him 5 times. That's when all the dwarves climbed up and started fighting. But I didnt I tried climbing up but I couldn't I had lost a lot of blood and the poison was taking its toll. I saw Kili turn around for a split second just to see me let go and fall to my death.

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