Chapter 19

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 An hour later, Frost came bursting out of the double doors and ran right into my arms.

 "Hi Frost!" I said, getting knocked to the ground. She jumped on my chest, and licked my face once before hopping off.

 I could hear Lyn and Crow laughing behind me as I got up. Even Nurse Joy, who had also come out of the double doors, was smiling.

 "I take it Frost remembers you?" Nurse Joy asked, wearing a clean apron.

 "I believe so!" I said, pulling out a Pokepuff for Frost, who happily ate it. I smiled. "How do you feel now, Frost?"

 She yipped at me, before burying her head in my shoulder.

 I smiled, noticing that I couldn't hear her breathe like before. It was normal, not raspy. She was going to be okay.

 I couldn't help it, a single tear traced down my cheek. I finally did something right. "Right... let's get you back to the hotel so you can take it easy... away from any pranksters." I muttered, still giving Crow an evil eye to warn him, causing him to put his hands up in surrender. 

 After we packed up the few belongings we had, we set off for our Hotel. Frost seemed so much happier, there was a bounce in her steps that didn't appear before. 'I wonder how Shadow and Val will get on with Frost...' I thought to myself, absentmindedly. Too far in my thoughts that I didn't see the person approaching until it was too late. BANG! Me and this female collided and both ended up on the floor with sore heads. After exchanging apologies and reassuring everyone else that I was fine, we continued on our trip.

 We finally reached the hotel room after what felt like hours as Lyn and Crow kept winding each other up with pranks and then wanted to go get ice creams. "Come on Frost, let's go see Shadow." I yawned, tiredness starting to fill my body. After trudging up the stairs and going to our suite, I had a small black fur launch itself at my face, I couldn't help start laughing as Frost let out a yip. "Elianna you're back!" Shadow yelped with happiness, it certainly seemed like someone missed me.

 I fell on top of my bed, hearing a little fwump coming from the bed. Shadow and Frost were introducing themselves and playing around in the room, being the usual tornadoes of destruction and mess. I sighed and decided to close my eyes, promising to myself I clean up after a nap. I started dozing off when I hear little paw scratches outside our door, I opened my eyes to see Shadow jumping around happily. "Val's here, Val's here!" She cried with excitement, I was extremely confused by this and opened the door. Shadow was right, Valentine certainly was here and with one of the Gym Trainers, Lucy, if I remember correctly. "Um, Lucy why is Valentine here?" I questioned, stroking Val's head to say hello. "We received your letter, saying you needed her here?" Lucy replied, handing me a typed up note. 'Surely it can't be Him... NO, I refuse to accept it.. how did He know..' I was panicking inside, my breath shortening and I started feeling dizzy. "Elianna? Are you okay? You've gone all white.." Lucy asked, concern in her voice. I nodded weakly in reply, "I just need a lie down, haven't been feeling well." I responded curtly. Lucy nodded and we said farewell and a thank you for looking after Valentine. I shut the door, more forcefully than I intended, which would probably bring me questions later.   

 My breath was starting to go again, and black spots appeared in my vision. Another panic attack, great, I knew I had to calm down but I was failing to. "E-Elianna? " A small squeak came from somewhere on this darkness. I tried to reach out and walk towards where I thought the voice came from, all I could hear is the blood rushing to my head and a tight squeezing pain coming from my chest, I was desperately wanting to keep breathing but it was becoming more difficult to do such a simple task. I took a step before I fell to the ground, struggling to stay conscious. I felt a sharp pain in my head, I must have hit my head...

"Elianna?! Wake up!" Shadow whined as Frost and Val run towards her once they noticed the small pool of blood coming from her head. The voices I could hear faintly, I was struggling to open my eyes, they felt so heavy.. Ugh.. I'm okay guys.. don't worry.

After what felt like an eternity, my eyes finally obeyed and I came to. I somehow managed to make it to my bed? I sensed a small ball of warmth by my feet, noticing a blurry black puff of fur, eventually realising it was Shadow. My head still hurt and I touched the source of pain, feeling a bandage around it.  "You're awake! Finally... How are you feeling?" I heard someone question, recognising the voice to be Okami's, I gave her a thumbs up still trying to focus. "I'm fine thank you.." I replied, a bit mumbled. Frost came running towards my voice and nuzzled my hand, making sure I was fine. I gave her a stroke and a smile as I felt better than I did, though still in shock with the information. I looked at the time, 18:03. Oh damnit I'm late for dinner! I panicked and stood up, ignoring the dizziness and the sigh from Okami. I threw new clothes on and chucked my blood dripped clothes in my case.

I came back after the eventful dinner, it resulted on a food fight between the girls and the boys. Of course, the girls won as the boys also targeted each other. I put my hands in my pockets of my coat and felt an envelope, not recognising where it came from. "Huh?" I muttered, causing the pokemon to approach with curiosity. I opened it up and two things fell out, a pendant and a folded up letter, soon recognising the handwriting as His. I took a pained breath, trying to keep calm and not wanting a repeat. Shadow and Val started growling, I wasn't certain why but they were looking at the envelope. I picked it up and smelt it, Sabrina... still his little lapdog... did you even mean those words?  I immediately thought with anger. At least I knew who I could trust. I looked at the pendant, it had a moon and heart charm hanging from its chain. They both had engravings on it. The moon:  I love you to the moon and back. The heart: DaughterI felt sick and threw it to one side.

I wondered what the note said as I took it and cautiously opening it, expecting the pain I associated from that asshole. "Dear Elianna, I assume my messages have gotten through to you. I wanted to remind you of your past and where you belong, with me. I am forcing you to  come to the Majestic Ball tomorrow, or you'll have to pay the price. In case you needed a reminder, I have put some childhood photos of us together, You're mine and no one else will protect you. XX."

I picked up the jewellery again, debating whether to look at the pictures of my past as another reminder. I had to consider his warning,  I knew he would keep true to his word. I drew a quick breath and opened the heart locket, blackness entering my vision and some insane laughter appearing from somewhere,but nowhere, it was all a trick... I should have realised the Sleep powder mixed with chloroform and I was the recipient... I fell into a deep slumber within seconds... What is going to meet me on the other side of this twisted evil?

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