Warm Welcomes

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Ever heard of that girl everyone calls a slut. Now, I am a slut but the difference between those girls and me is two things. 
1: I don't care about anything or anyone. So names don't bother me at all. You could call me anything and I probably have a great comeback making you look like the idiot
2: I don't fight for guys. I don't work for guys. Men come to me. 
Male Cock Attraction Over Here ;-)

Since I feel I should tell you a story of what happened to me that caused me to stop being a "slut". Call it a spiritual movement without the Jesus part. 
Y'all Gon Learn Today #Ghetto

Part Uno
"mama have you seen my blue thong??" I yell still looking for my undies. I swear if my brother’s friends stole it again. I'll have to make a secret visit to their daddy’s house. That man is amazing in bed. I think he lets his kids steal from me just to get me into his bed. Considering this happens about every week now. I thought humans don't have that much stamina or sex drive. Lord that man is needy and I am a werewolf. He actually tires me out. Maybe he is something else and he doesn't know I've heard of cases like that. I may need to look into it later.... or maybe never. I am a very lazy werewolf. Yes darlings I am a werewolf. I can shift I have fangs and claws. If you’re lucky you'll see my sex drive I've got in bed. No just because I am a werewolf doesn't contribute to my over need for sex. I am a succubus. Interesting combinations I know. Who would have thought it was possible to a succubus and a werewolf. Being a werewolf helps so when I get the energy from my lovers I don't kill them. That isn't the reason I have a lot of sex. I enjoy sex being a succubus is just a bonus. I don't want to have to change my ways just because my "mate" comes along. I understand that every werewolf has a mate. I just don't want one right now maybe in 10 years when I am 28. That sounds good, my vagina won't be as good as it is now so I'll have to start having kids and doing the housewife things married women do.  Yuck, then I’ll have to wear granny panties and old lady gowns. I have a huge case of peter pan disease. If you don't know what that is. DIE, preferably today.

  My mother isn't looking for my underwear. She is packing, as if we are moving? 

"MOTHER!" she looks up scared. 

"Yes De-ar?" she stammers out.

"Uhm What The Actual Fuck Are You Doing?" 

"We have to move, your brother’s friend’s dad is a fae, and he has told the nearby pack that you are half wolf and succubus. I'm sorry baby but we have to go. They’ll kill you. Though I am a bit confused on how the father found out your secret in the first place." she’s says calmly as she can.

My mouth drops; ooh my mother knows I slept with him. Oh wells. I knew there was something fishy about that man. He probably had a succubus spray or some shit because I don’t get tired in sex, he was ready for round 3 when I was falling asleep. He had to have drugged me. Maybe he has a power that stopped him from feeding from him. I wonder if I am going to have to plan that jackass a visit. Not for sex this time though. But if he suggests it, well I don't turn down a free meal but I may have to kill him this time so they don't question him and give him my details and crap. 

Walking into my closet, I noticed my clothes were already in boxes neatly stacked in rolls. Fuuuuckk, what I am going to wear now? I look down on my outfit it consists of short blue high waisted shorts and a bra type corset shirt. Oh wells this is the best I’ve got, I’m too lazy to find better clothes. I run to my car and grab my keys off the table and drive to mister sexy house. When I get there I smell werewolf, that isn’t possible I thought this man was only fae didn’t know he had connections but damn he works fast. I can see why mom was working so hard in packing the house up. I knock on the door and I get hit with the smell of a male and a female werewolf. Damn this plan isn’t going to work. I guess it's time to die, I mean you got to do it eventually. I knock hard on the door, if their werewolves they should have sensed me by now but hey there are a lot of shit werewolves in this world. The door swings open revealing a smirking she-wolf. Oh goodie I am going to enjoy ripping her face off, no one smirks at me. I am above them that bitch. She cockily bows at me letting me in. I smash my knee into her nose, knocking her out cold. "Is that all you guys got? I thought we were friends?" I yell from the door. Kicking aside the body, I walk to the kitchen. I am a tad bit hungry. Ooh there is cake on the counter. I grab a fork and stuff my face. If you’re wondering where the men are? I heard them on the phone calling for back up. My hearing is way better than an average werewolf. Pathetic fucks think I am going to die without a fight. Pft I am a succubus too, I am going to win this fight. I text my mother telling her to head off without me and that to just give me the address and put about 500 dollars in my secret hiding spot so I get to them when I am done here. Her texts back fast saying to be careful and that she'll leave the address with the money so I don’t get lost. 

Cracking my knuckles I chuckle to myself. I don’t think these men understand what they’re up against. In walks in Mr. sexy (I don’t actually remember his real name, we never really talked if you get what I’m saying?) and they were. "Welcome to the party darlings" I say smiling. 

"Abomination that what you are, you freak" the were yells looking like he is going to shit himself. Poor lad. 

"Hello Beautiful, what is this I hear about you moving away?" Mr. sexy says smiling with pure lust in eyes. 

"oh yeeah me mum is in the mood for a new place, and me and the boys are going with her, I think she said somewhere up north where its cold, says it’s to stop my sex addiction. But it’s cold, I need warmth. If anything I will be even more of a freak when I leave that place." I say winking at the were. 

"I'm sorry dear but you can’t leave. I need you." he says slamming the door. 

Oh yeah one more thing I forgot about being a succubus is that if I have sex with that person too much they become attract way too much. I think this explains why the were is here. It’s to make sure I don’t leave but I don’t think the fae knows that they were has his own plan. 

Things never go according to plan idiots.


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