Chapter 4

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A/N: Crappy writing I know ugh! Sorry
Word count: 1470 (not including Author's Note)


It's been two days, and I still have been too scared to see if my Spirit Animal has actually changed, Suko thought to himself.
Suko was in school, and he had one hour left. He was scared about what Dililac had said when they were at the pond, two days ago.
He looked around the classroom, and saw Dililac staring at the blackboard, concentrating as hard as she could. All Suko could do, though, was think about his Spirit Animal.
The last two days he couldn't concentrate in school, since the accident with the pond. No, Suko thought. This wasn't an accident , it was on purpose.
"And that is all, class," Sensei Fukushima called out. "You may go. Have a great weekend!"
Suko got up slowly, as commotion started all over the class. People stood up. Some started shouting at their friends. Some asked their friends (or fake friends) if they would come over, or go to a party of some sort.
"Hey, Suko." Said a small voice behind him.
Suko turned around and saw Dililac. She was standing there, looking at the ground, while rubbing her arm. Shame filled her face.
"Hey. What's up?" Suko asked, in a casual tone, though his mind was spinning with questions.
"I was wondering if today would be the big day you found out if your..." Dililac began, slowly.
"My Spirit Animal changed?
Yeah. Maybe. I don't really know." Suko interrupted.
"Could I walk with you? Maybe stay at your house?" Dililac asked, her eyes desperate.
"Sure. But, it's not a house. It's an apartment. A really big one too." Suko noted.
"Okay," Dililac replied, her voice shaking a bit. "Maybe I could stay with you, and you could see if your Spirit Animal actually changed? Maybe that'll calm your nerves a bit?"
"Yeah, you should," Suko said, not looking at Dililac. "We should go now."
"Yeah." Dililac agreed, with the nod of her head.
As Suko and Dililac walked up to the apartment door, there was a bang. Dililac looked around, fear visibly shown on her face.
"It's fine. It's just the neighbors probably fighting again." Suko said in a bland voice.
He took out his apartment keys and put them in the lock. He unlocked the door and opened it slowly. The door creaked a bit. He walked in and took off his shoes. Dililac did the same thing. She looked around and back at Suko.
"This is a good apartment." She said, while looking down.
"Thanks." Suko said, slightly red in the face.
          They walked into his living room, and sat down in the sofa. Suko turned on some TV and said, "I'm nervous."
          "Why?" Dililac asked, clearly dumbfounded.
          "Why do you think?" Suko asked, incredulously.
          "Oh, right. Your Spirit Animal." Dililac said, like she knew all along.
          Suko looked outside the big window, that was next to the couch. The sky was a beautiful blue, and cloudless
          That's when a knock at the door came. Suko got up and walked towards it slowly. He looked through the peep-hole, and saw Donlack. Suko opened the door quickly and shouted, with glee, "Donlack! I haven't seen you in forever!"
          "It's only been three months, dude." Donlack laughed.
          Suko then realized, he was still in his school uniform. He looked towards Dililac, and said, "I'm gonna go change real fast. But first, let me introduce you two.
          "Donlack. That is Dililac," Suko said, pointing towards Dililac. "And Dililac, this is Donlack.
          "You two get to know each other, while I go change." Suko said, happily.
          He ran into his bedroom to get changed.
After a few minutes, Suko walked out of his bedroom, in his usual clothes. A black hoody, and ripped jeans.
"Hey. Sorry it took..." Suko began.
He stopped and smiled as he saw Donlack and Dililac hitting it off. I knew they would get along somehow, Suko thought.
"Hello? Guys?" Suko said, a smile stuck on his face.
"Oh. Sorry, Suko. We didn't notice you came out." Donlack apologized, a smile also glued on his face.
Suko looked at Dililac as she nodded. These two would be a great couple, Suko thought. He walked towards them and sat down next to Dililac.
"Suko..." Dililac began. "I think it's time."
"O-okay." Suko said, nervously.
His heart was pounding as he nervously got up and went to the middle of the living room. He clapped his hands together and he started shaking as he was about to whisper, "Transform."
He opened his mouth, but the words wouldn't come out. I don't want to do this, Suko thought nervously. He looked towards Dililac, and she nodded her head.
Suko tried to say the word again, but froze. He thought of something and said, "Maybe we should go outside and do this."
"Quit stalling," Dililac said, with the roll of her yellow eyes. Then she finally said, with much hesitation, "Fine, whatever."
They walked outside, and behind the apartment complex. Dililac turned and looked at Suko. She then said, in an urgent voice,"Let's hurry, so nobody sees us."
Suko clapped his hands together and was close to saying, "Transform," but he couldn't. He felt as if something or someone was blocking it. I seriously don't want to do this, Suko thought, immediately.
"C'mon, Suko," said Donlack from behind him. "Dililac's right. We don't want to be seen."
Donlack clapped Suko on the back for support.
Suko finally whispered, "Transform."
Blue light emitted around him, covering his body. He no longer felt the comfortable warmth that came with the transformation. It was a burning hotness, that made Suko feel like he was melting. He wanted to scream, but his voice got stuck in his throat. Then the light disappeared, and there stood in Suko's place, was a dragon.
The whole world froze, and Suko didn't know how to react to this new Spirit Animal. What? Suko thought.
"Suko that's..." Dililac began.
"Amazing!" Donlack exclaimed.
Suko still didn't know how to react. He spread his wings and looked at them.
They were covered in black scales. And so was the rest of his new dragon body. He looked back at Dililac and Donlack. They were smiling brightly.
He didn't tower over them like regular dragons. Instead, he was only as tall as a one story house, if not shorter.
"The problem is," Suko said. "I don't know how to fly."
"I'll teach you!" Dililac called, happily.
"Okay." Suko said.
Dililac clapped her hands together, and said, "Transform!"
Yellow light emitted around her, until you couldn't see her anymore. Then the light slowly disappeared, and in her place was a snow owl, with black specks on her wings. She jumped off the ground, and flew up to Suko's face.
"All you have to do is practice. So first, you wanna get a running start." Dililac chirped. Her yellow eyes lit up with excitement.
Suko nodded his head, and looked into the woods that were right by them. He started running towards them. Then, as if on instinct, his wings opened, and he pounced off the ground. "You're doing it!" Dililac called from where they originally were.
Suko flapped his wings, and flew into the air. He looped around and felt free. He swirled over the apartment complex and yelled, "This is amazing!"
Suko flew higher and rose above the clouds. The sun was setting, and Suko had a front row seat to see it. He flew up a little, then dived down, tucking his wings in. Before he hit the ground, he sprung out his wings, quickly.
A few minutes later, Suko landed next to the apartment complex. Excitement filled him and he said, "That was amazing."
"That was good." Chirped Dililac from the air.
She flew down from the sky, and landed on Suko's back. She then hopped down and said, "Transform," again.
Yellow light emitted around her again, and covered her. When the light disappeared, there stood the regular Dililac, except her clothes were different. She was wearing a white and black flannel, and a white tank top underneath, along with black jeans and black heeled boots.
"Your outfit changed?" Suko asked, surprise heard in his voice, as clear as a bell.
"Yup." Dililac said.
"Hey, Suko. I think you should transform back." Donlack said, worry clearly shown on his face.
About two hours later, Dililac and Donlack headed home for the night. The sun was fully set, and there was a full moon. Suko smiled to himself as he looked out the window of his bedroom, out to the pale moon. Now I'm not so worried about my Spirit Animal, Suko thought. Now I just got to see how this'll work out in life. My Spirit Animal, now, is a fierce dragon. And with that last thought, Suko fell asleep.

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