Chapter 12

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This was another fun chapter to write! Enjoy!

Chapter 12

Through the Trapdoor

Harri decided to focus on her exams as much as possible within the last few weeks of her school term. Draco and Hermione seemed to have an easier time concentrating on them than she was since she had splitting migraines the entire time. Still, she figured she did well on both the written and practical exams.

The practical exam in charms was to make a pineapple dance across a desk. It was entertaining to watch Ron nearly set his on fire. Seamus actually managed to set his on fire, much to the entertainment of the class. Hermione nearly lost her concentration when that happened. Luckily, Harri nudged her and brought her back to her test.

Transfiguration was the easiest exam for Harri. She finished with over thirty minutes left on the written exam. For the practical part of the exam she had to transfigure a mouse into a snuffbox, which was as simple as a flick of the wrist for her. She made sure to put emeralds on her snuffbox because it was McGonagall’s favorite gem and color. She hoped that acing the exam would put her back in her head of house’s good graces.

The potions exam was an interesting endeavor, considering Snape made them brew a forgetfulness potion. The potion fumes make people forget what they were trying to do in the first place. So, Harri didn’t breathe in the fumes like most of the other students did. It seemed that Hermione was breathing in fumes because she kept looking back at the board and then looking back at her potion. Harri figured that Snape did this on purpose to either try and fail his students, or teach them to remember to never breathe right over their potions. Potion fumes can be toxic and Harri supposed that this could be considered a lesson in potion making.

The only problem she had was not falling asleep during her History of Magic exam, since she hadn’t been able to sleep the past few days because of nightmares of the forest and the hooded figure that tried to attack her. 

She and George were spending a lot of time together talking on the couch in the middle of the night due to the same haunting figure in their dreams. Fred would always come down in the morning to see them asleep together in front of the fire. Harri would be leaning on George’s shoulder and George would be drooling slightly on Harri’s head, much to the younger girl’s disgust. 

She finished her history of magic exam with fifteen minutes to spare, after she finished her last sentence on exploding caldrons.

When the papers were collected by Binns everyone cheered, including Hermione, even though she would never admit it. The two of them made their way down to the Great Lake where they met up with the Weasley twins and Draco. They all decided to sit under a large tree together to stay out of the harsh sun.

Every time Hermione would bring up their exams one of the twins would put their hand over her mouth and tell her to let it be.

While the twins were quieting Hermione down Draco was watching Harri, who was rubbing her scar with a scowl on her face. “Is your scar still bothering you? Has Sirius come back from his Auror mission so you could talk to him about it?” he asked worried. He hated seeing Harri so uncomfortable and troubled and he knew it wasn’t healthy for her.

“No, I haven’t heard from him. I asked Remus about my scar, since he’d probably know more about it than Sirius, but he hasn’t gotten back to me. I have a feeling that danger is coming, but I could be wrong,” Harri answered as she pulled some grass out of the ground underneath her. 

“Harri, you need to calm down. Dumbledore won’t let anything happen to stone. No one knows how to get past Fluffy,” Fred said trying to calm her down a little bit. His comment did the opposite though. Harri’s head shot up from staring at the grass.

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