Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Classes Start and Brooms Rise

Classes begun with History of Magic, which was taught by Binns, a rather boring ghost who droned on and put half his class to sleep. Luckily, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor had the class together. Draco and Harri passed notes to each other the entire time, much to Hermione’s dismay. She had been taking diligent notes when she looked over to her roommate and noticed that there wasn’t much written on her parchment. Upon further observation she realized that her new friend wasn’t even paying attention. She was passing notes to Draco Malfoy, who was sitting next to her.

“You’re my biggest competition and you’re passing notes,” she hissed angrily. Harri didn’t bother listening, she’d read the book later and figure out what she was missing, no point in falling asleep.

Hermione refused to walk with Harri on their way to charms which they had with Hufflepuff. Flitwick was the charms professor, who when he read her name off the attendance list, toppled off his chair and out of sight.

Her class on Tuesday was Transfigurations with the Ravenclaw students. Harri sat next to Draco since Hermione wasn’t talking to her. This class was taught by McGonagall, who was definitely not a witch to cross. She even threatened to expel any student who played around in her class. Harri rolled her eyes. If she didn’t expel the Marauders, she wouldn’t expel anyone over a little bit of trouble making.

They then moved to the practical part of the lesson, which was to turn a match stick into needle. Harri found that Transfigurations was easy as long as you envisioned what you wanted your match stick to turn into. After a few tries she managed to change her match stick into a needle, much to Hermione’s displeasure. 

McGonagall gave Harri a rare smile when she saw that someone managed to change their match stick into a needle on their first day. “I see you got your father’s talent,” she said with a nod. Harri could tell she was also happy to see that she didn’t get his knack for troubling making.

Thursday morning was interesting to say the least. When Harri looked at her schedule she groaned, causing George, Fred and Draco, who had decided he was going to spend his meals with the Gryffindors, to turn to her confused. “What?” The twins asked at the same time. Draco didn’t say anything, but it was obvious he was curious just by the way his head cocked to the side. 

“I have double potions with Slytherin today. I just know that it’s going to be a disaster,” she said burying her head in her hands. She knew Snape was going to be horrible to her. It aggravated her that Snape would hold a grudge against her for something her father did.

Just then she saw Hedwig flutter in with the rest of the owls delivering the mail. The snowy white owl flew towards Harri with an air of triumph from delivering her first letter. Harri took the letter off her leg and dug out a few owl treats for Hedwig from her bag.

She ate them happily and then flew off with the other owls to get some well deserved rest in the Owlry. Harri opened the letter, wondering what her crazy Godfather had written. Both Fred and George were looking over her shoulder to read the letter:

Dear Bambi,

You’re in Gryffindor! Remus owes me a galleon! He thought you were going to be a Ravenclaw…silly, silly, Moony. I’m glad that you’ve made friends with some pranksters. Tell them thank you for me, if they aren’t reading this with you, for finding the map. I thought I’d never see it again. Anyway, I hope that Hermione girl doesn’t start having you follow the rules, though I’m glad you knew somebody on the train. 

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