Chapter 9

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I walk into the hotel room to see a heavily tattooed lunatic sitting on the couch, Corey gets up to hug me tightly and as he hugs me I begin to have my eyes tear. His head is on my shoulder, shaking and sobbing on me. Corey picks up my head and looks at me with such sincere written all over his face.
Seth begins to explain.
"I brought him here for both of you to settle this drama"
I smile, cry and go over to hug Seth.
"Thank you so much Seth."
He hugs me back and whispers in my ear. "I'm gonna leave and have you to work it out, if anything happens call me"

Seth exits the room and I lock the door, I feel eyes burning the back of my head. As I turn around there is Corey looking at me with those blue/green eyes, he comes towards me and begins to pin me up against the door and kiss me. He pins my arms up against the door and begins to have his hand roam my body freely, I push him back.

"This is how we figure out things" I say
"Yeah I thought you wanted this?!?, Don't you?" Corey responds to me
"No smartass, this is what you want, you want my body for your amusement!" I say with anger begins to build up. He comes up closer to me once again and smashes his lips up to mine and once again has his hand roam freely up and down my body. I begin to move in sync with him

This isn't right; what am I thinking;

He soon pick my up and throws me onto the bed. Echoes of moans and pleasure soon become the music of the room.

We lay across from each other back to back just wondering...

Why didn't we just talk it out like normal adults;

A knocks come on the door and I get up and see through the peephole Seth, I run to gather my clothes, as well as Corey and rush to put them on. I open the door.

"Hey Maria, can we go on a walk I want to talk to you about something" He tells me
"Okay, give me like 5 minutes let me put on some makeup" I say. Seth came in an sat down on the couch watching me apply my makeup. After about 5 minutes Seth and I get up and leave the hotel room and an awkward silence makes tension between us.

"Seth" I say
"Yeah" He responds
"What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask now becoming worried that he may have heard me and Corey.
"So I was wondering how come I didn't hear you and Corey screaming at each other?" He asks me
"Well I made sure he didn't act like and immature child and-" I get cut off
"Look I heard you and Corey and I want to tell you something..." he tells me.

Oh My God what is he going to say; Did he actually "hear" me and Corey or hear me and Corey actually talk

"I'm so happy you to were able to talk to one another like responsible adults"

What the fuck? You know what Maria don't complain or get worried cause then he might find out!

I hugged Seth and thanked him for bringing us together and he hugged me back. We parted ways in order for me to get ready for tonight's live event.

I get dressed in my attire for my match against Summer Rae.

Maria Vs. Summer Rae
*No Ones POV*
Maria and Summer Rae lock up and Summer kicks Maria in the back of the knees making her fall. Maria counters against Summer by grabbing her neck and pulling her over her head onto the mat. As Summer screams in agony, Maria laughs grabbing Summer by her hair and drags her to the turnbuckle and elbows her many times to the face. Summer pushes Maria and goes out of the ring and circles it holding her mouth screaming


Maria snaps back


Summer retreats and walk backstage with the referee counting to 10

The bell rings.

"Ladies and Gentleman, here if your winner by countout Maria!!!!!!"

   Maria grabs a microphone from one of the staff members.

"Oh no,no,no,no.. this is not how this going to work out. I came here to wrestle not to play hide and seek with Summer Rae, so Summer if you're not going to come out then anyone from that backstage area man or women I don't care, COME OUT HERE AND LETS FIGHT!!!"  Maria drops the mike and the arena lights dim.

*Maria's POV*
The lights dim in the arena and fear starts to rise in me. I soon feel a pounding feeling on my back and I had fallen and the lights come on and the crowd is going wild screaming. I try to fight back but the blindness I have from the previous hit has my vision blurry. The crowd screams to have me fight back but I do not know who, or what even to fight. I soon feel that weight lifted off of me and someone picks me up and whispers into my ear

"I'm going to take you to the back and get checked" Someone explains to me. I could not respond but I just nod my head and feel myself soon feeling lightheaded and my body just soon gives out.


    This chapter had been written kinda fast so it may not be as good as my other chapters.
But hope you like this!!!! 👌🏽

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