Chapter 10

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     I awake to a blurry image and as my vision soon becomes clear, my head feels like it weighs over 100 pounds. My vision is now clear and I pick myself up, holding my head and look around the room to see three very familiar faces.


"Hey look who woke up" Nikki says with excitement. Roman and Seth don't say anything but get up to hug me and hold me tight for about five minutes. They let me go of me and ask me how I'm feeling.

"Well is there Advil anywhere," I ask
"No and you can't take Advil, Doctor said you have a concussion" Roman responds
I sigh in anger.

Who the fuck hit
me in the back of my head; There
gonna be a
dead son of a bitch
when I find out who they are;

•Later that day•
I walk into my hotel room and unpack my suitcases. I turn on my tv and my phone beeps telling me I got a message, the message shows a video of my attacker. The anger boils up inside of me to see one of my closest allies having to attack me. I march up to their room and pound on it like a police man.

"Open this door before I open it myself" I exclaimed.
The door openers ever so slowly.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" I say with anger rising within me. Roman looks at me with a face of fear.

"You really attacked me, and then you talk to me in the medical room earlier like nothing at all happened" I get closer in his face
"Look Maria....that attack.........Stephanie ordered me to" Roman responds
"My ass Stephanie ordered you to attack me, I wouldn't believe you no matter what you tell or show me." I scream,

I slap Roman in the face and as I walk away I tell him

"That's only the beginning,"

I walk away to my hotel room with those walking around me backing up against the wall in fear of me.

----------Later that day-----------
   I have not spoken or even looked at Roman since our confrontation earlier. Stephanie texts me

   I walk to Stephanie's office with a bit of anxiety rising within me

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   I walk to Stephanie's office with a bit of anxiety rising within me. I finally see the door with the plate that says

"RAW Stephanie McMachon"

   I open the door to see Stephanie holding a contract in one hand and a pen in another. I sit down and Stephanie explains what is happening to me.

"Your having a thirty day suspension due to a wellness policy violation" Stephanie explains

"Stephanie what was the wellness policy I hadn't followed, I have no alcohol or drugs in my system" I explain and Stephanie tells me that the wellness policy was due to unsportsmanlike behavior earlier. I chew it up and sign the paper defining my thirty day suspension.


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