Movies and PLL+TW

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(Mari's P.O.V)
When we had finally finished our laughing session, Alya and i hopped off of our seats and walked to the gates, because as a Princess we were going first class and Mrs Bustier knew my secret after I explained to her.

"Can all people travelling First class make there way to the gates please." The women at the gates shouted.

Alya and I walked up to the gates ignoring the classes looks of confusion.

"Hah! Marinette and Alya going first class how funny!" Chloe laughed with Sabrina. "What are you even doing over there?! How Pathetic." Chloe cackled while I held Alya back.

"Well actually Chloe, Alya and I are going in first class because 'Daddy' paid for us, Have fun in economy Chloe." I retaliated while Adrien's eyes widened, weird..

"NO WAY!" Chloe shrieked. "Mrs Bustier tell me this isn't true."

"Sorry Chloe, but Marinette right, there talking first class because of something?" Mrs Bustier laughed nervously.

"Well Bye guys!" I exclaimed not wanting to look back, I quickly grabbed Alya and ran to the front gate shoving our tickets and pass ports in the women's face.

"Thank you very much you two, have fun in first class!" The lady smiled scanning the ticket and passing us our passports with the tickets slid inside.

"Thank you miss, very much appreciated!" I smiled and walked onto the corridor leading to the plane.

"Shit Marinette you really can fight back, it was like a roast off back there I literally was about to cry in pride." Alya laughed fist bumping me.

"Thanks Alya!" I laughed walking to the entrance of the plane.

"Chloe's face was priceless when you  said 'Daddy' that was funny as fuck." Alya laughed with me.

"Yeah, 'Miss Bustier please tell me this isn't true!" I mocked like Chloe while we burst out laughing.

"Priceless!" Alya laughed.

Alya and I walked into the 'First class section' laughing our heads off, we found our seats and put our suitcases above us.

I sat next to the window while Alya sat next to me with our hairs pulled back and our legs wresting against the foot rest, I turned on the TV and placed my pink beats on Alya doing the same putting on her Red beats on.

We were scrolling through shows and movies on Netflix (First Class has Netflix) when i spotted something and squealed, Alya looked over and i pointed at the series and we both simultaneously screamed.p


Mrs Bustier ran in shushing us, shit,
Economy's behind us.

"BWAHAHAHA ALYA! OUR CLASS IS BEGIND US!" I whisper yelled laughing.


(Adrien's P.O.V)
We got into economy with was behind First class, lol, weird right? Well Marinette really sounded like Ladybug but it must've been my imagination.


"The hell?" Nino asked.

'So princess likes PLL and Teen Wolve huh?' I thought.

"GIRLS!" Mrs Bustier screamed muttering something among the lines of 'I don't get Paid to do this'

"Girls.." Nino laughed rolling his eyes.


(Marinette's P.O.V)
After getting scolded we were watching a marathon of PLL and TW! YAY! Right now Alya and I were eating when we heard Kim yell. "ASIAN NOODLES" weird...

We were eating Chinese gelato it was fucking amazing and then I remembered that I packed a few things from the bakery that got past security.

"ALYA!!!" I screamed then covered my mouth hearing Mrs Bustier yell.

Alya looked at me and I pulled out my bag containing treats and pulled out a massive box with Canolies, Donuts, Macarons, Croissants and Vanilla slice!
Alya's face lit up and she screamed "CROISSANTS!" And I shoved one in her mouth before we got In trouble again.

"Mmm Yum!" Alya cheered eating croissants and Macarons, I passed Tikki a Canolie from under my chair and whistled hoping Alya didn't see.

I was looking around the first class area and we had our own room and our class could see us! I noticed Just dance and showed Alya and we got up ready to dance.

Dance, Our hearts out.

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